Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2252: Blood battle in the end 19

But I don't want to, the night charm touches, the innocent is like a complete loss of consciousness, and it falls down in a hurry. The night charm is shocked, and I quickly reach out and catch the innocent!

Jun Wuxie turned out to be completely fainted, and the night charm looked at the **** and fuzzy part of Jun’s chest, and a heart instantly mentioned the blind eyes. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

He thought that the harm of the innocent was not so heavy, but what he saw with his own eyes, but let the night charm shocked a cold sweat.

The chest of the innocent was completely blasted, and the broken bones were faintly visible in the flesh and blood. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, the night charm could not be imagined. Even after someone suffered such a fatal injury, they could stand up!

Looking at the silver needle that the sinless spurt into the great acupuncture point, the cold light flashed, and the glare was extremely glaring. She was only using the method of giving her life and wanted to give Luo Liancheng the last blow.

The night charm only felt a sore heart, and the throat was stinging like a stone.

There is no hesitation in the slightest, the night charm takes off his coat, wrapped in the body of the innocent, and will hold up the innocent, even if the night charm has been put as lightly as possible, but every move, the king is inseparable The lips will overflow a large piece of blood, instantly soaking the night glamour.

The night charm is strong and uneasy, holding the emperor and withdrawing to the emperor's side. The emperor bows his head and looks at the extremely injurious monarch. He raises his hand to wipe the blood of the innocent mouth, but no matter how he wipes, Jun The blood that overflows in the innocent mouth can't stop like it.

The emperor's eyes were full of blood, raising his breath, and raising his hand to the chest of the innocent, a halo flashed on the innocent chest and disappeared instantly.

"Go!" The emperor was pale and cold.

The night charm decisively nodded. On the other side, the master of the Lingyao Temple had already picked up Suya. Suya was forcibly pulled away from the embrace of Yan, and the whole person had already fallen into a collapse. Eyes, staring at the figure that fell in the pool of blood.

I hope that I am in front of me, why... God wants to torture them like this? !

"Come on!" The Emperor gave a low voice.

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao and the night charm no longer dare to hesitate. Their hearts have already guessed the plan of the Emperor, but now they have no other way.

The disciples of the Lingyao Temple stood up and stood up, and they could only retreat with the Lord of the Spirit and the night charm.

But those black people from the upper three worlds, how can they let them escape from this Shura hell, and catch up in a flash!

"Give me a stay!" A burst of anger, suddenly came from the mouth of the emperor, like a thunderous snoring, the shock of everyone's eardrum tingling, those black people were shocked by the snoring Immediately, they stopped all the steps and looked at the independent wind, blocking the people at the front end of their retreat.

The ridge of the imperial concubine is drooping, but at this moment, it gives a very strong feeling.

"Today, it is the last battle of my emperor! You don't want to take a step forward!!" At the moment when the emperor's voice landed, his body suddenly rose a big circle, and the powerful spiritual power was around. Floating, twisting the air, the airflow of the coil is rising on the soles of his feet. In the blink of an eye, the silver turns blue. The back of the smudges becomes tall and straight in an instant, as if in the spring, returning to the earth and returning to his youthful spirit. wind!

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