The innocent eyes flashed and looked at the night alone, and the night alone took a deep breath, and he suddenly took care of everything that was left before the drug was taken. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

The innocent listened quietly, until she had heard everything, she still had no openings.

The night and the nightingale are standing nervously. They have already arrived nearby, but they can’t always shoot. They don’t want to, but they can’t. The order that was left without medicine was that they could not defy anyway. They Waiting, waiting for the moment when Jun escaped from birth, but today’s Missy, they are shocked. They don’t know if Jun is innocent, after encountering all this, will it really be like a drug? That's like...

After the long silence, Jun No Evil has propped up her body. She has been temporarily placed on the temporary grass mat. The injuries on her body have been bandaged by the nightingale, just because she is too heavy, nightingale. They did not dare to move easily and did not leave immediately.

"The people who have seen the Lingyao Temple?" Jun has no mouth to open his mouth, but the tone is calm and somewhat scary.

"No, the Emperor's self-explosive...powerful, you and the night charm are directly rushed to the foot of the mountain, the people of Lingyao Temple, I am afraid that is also true." The sound of the nightingale is faintly shaking, this Once, it was too fierce. From the mouth of the night charm, he and the night alone knew that Jun couldn’t escape this time. It’s all because the emperor’s hard work, nearly 10,000 years of cultivation, blew himself in an instant, its violent To the extent, even Jin Ling can't stop it.

In the moment of such crisis, only this law can save more people.

There is nothing wrong with the choice of the Emperor, but... he is the master of the innocent...

Nightingales and nights are thought to be innocent when they know it all, but unexpectedly, Jun is still very calm, she just looked down and looked at her left hand, the little hand dyed with blood. On, I don’t know when I was lingering around a circle of blue light, the Linghuan, it was the original emperor!

The moment when the nightingales saw the spirit ring, the heart was shocked!

For a moment, I understood everything.

At the moment before the explosion, the Emperor embeds his own spiritual ring into the body of the innocent, and preserves the last breath of the innocent, otherwise he is afraid of the injury of the innocent.

"Where are they?" Jun suddenly opened his mouth.

The nightingale and the night are alone, and they look at each other and they see the same cognition in each other's eyes.

If you ask no questions, it is not the person of Lingyao Temple, but...

"Missy waited a little." The night was bent slightly, and he straightened up again. He raised his hand and hit it!

Suddenly, a cluster of fires floating in the dark forest flashed, and countless black shadows broke into the moonlight!

However, in the blink of an eye, there was a group of tall, cold-faced men in front of the innocent, each of them wearing a black light armor, and his eyes were cold and fierce.

In the night, I was stunned and swayed in front of the innocent!

"The people of the night, see Missy!"

唰 齐 刷 ! ! !!

After the night, the group of light armor men with the sound of the night alone, neatly squatting in front of the innocent!

The ignorance of the innocent and sorrowful eyes swept over her, the night that once stunned the entire middle three circles, suddenly clenched the illusory spirit in his hand!

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