Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2257: Can not find 3

The woman was a disciple of Lingyao Temple. She was lucky to survive in the fierce battle. She was rushed to the foot of the mountain after the emperor’s self-explosion. After being scared for a long time, she was searching for her companion in the mountains. The emperor’s self-destruction was absolutely impossible. The pursuit of the upper three circles also smashed the people of Lingyao Temple. For a month, they finally got together some people and found the main hall of Lingyao Temple. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

Non-smoke immediately sent a message to Qu Lingyue, and Qu Lingyue did not want to wait for a moment. Under the leadership of the disciple of Lingyao Temple, they found the main hall of Lingyao Temple.

At this time, the main hall of the Lingyao Temple was a bit miserable. He was seriously injured. He managed to save his life, but he could not heal the wound. In addition, when the emperor blew himself, he was behind the emperor, but he was closest to the emperor. In order to protect the safety of Suya, when he was shocked, he suffered a lot to protect the weak Suya. Fortunately, they are still alive, because the injury is too heavy to leave, only to find a cave. Temporarily avoid danger and recover from injury.

Seeing non-smoke and Qu Lingyue, the eyes of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao showed some surprises. These people have only one side with him and are not familiar with each other. The only thing they know is that these people were annihilated together with the innocent. The companions of the Twelve Halls, this view, let the heart of the Lingyao Temple be stretched for a long time and finally relaxed.

"You... didn't find the little evil child?" The non-smoke looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, and the voice was a little trembled.

The main hall of the Lingyao Temple shook his head. He also asked the disciples to look for a long time. Although many disciples of the Lingyao Temple were found, they did not see the innocence from beginning to end.

Non-smoke bites the teeth, and an angry punch smashes the boulder.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

If they came earlier, if they did not return to the Three Realms, wouldn’t they be born?

At this moment, the huge confession is in the heart of non-smoke, so that he can't wait for the time to go back, even if he wants to fight against the three realms with the innocent, they will never leave the middle three worlds!

If they are still there, there is no need to single-handedly to save Suya, and it will not be so hard to fight against the Three Realms.

On the side of Qu Ling Yue quietly listened to the words of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, she was very calm, and some of the calm people felt uneasy. Under the non-smoke violent walk, she suddenly turned around.

"Ling Yue?" Non-smoke looked up and looked at the steps and went to Qu Ling Yue.

"The people in Lingyao Palace are still alive, and she must be alive." Qu Lingyue did not look back. She stood up straight on her back and firmly believed... Nothing is still alive, she must be alive!

She never believes that it is so strong, so smart and innocent, will die silently in this broken place!

"I will find her, no matter how long, as long as I am still alive, I will definitely continue to find it." After Qu Lingyue finished, he would not say more, and continue to look for people.

Non-smoke takes a deep breath and keeps up.

Yeah, how can their little evils die so easily?

No one believes that no evil will die. They continue to search, but they don’t know what to look for. The duration is so long and confused. It’s not a few days, not a few months, but an annual calculation...

In countless years, the years have passed quietly. The only constant is their unwavering heart.

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