Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2267: One year 10

Today's next three circles are very lively, but in a lively but orderly manner. Five years ago, Lin Wangfu and the Iron Queen Queen Ling Yue joined forces to levy a military order. For a time, the whole three circles boiled. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

Since the reunification of the next three realms, the division of countries and countries has been very vague. Over time, the word of the country has long ceased to exist. Most of the former army was disbanded. Many soldiers who used to work in various countries went home. However, the blood hidden in their hearts has not disappeared, but it has increased with each passing day. This paper conscription order suddenly caused an uproar in the next three circles, and a large number of retired soldiers responded to the call.

The iron-blooded army of the Queen of Iron and Blood, and the Ruilin Army of Lin Wangfu, have long been famous. As soon as the news came out, a large number of young and middle-aged people poured in. The teenagers who had longed for the Ruilin Army also eagerly tried to join the army. Nowadays, the next The strength of the Three Realms is even greater than the total amount of the past when the countries survived!

Among them, the number of the Iron and the Army and the Ruilin Army is more indicative.

At this moment, in the Lin Wangfu, there is silence, Qu Ling Yue, Jun Yi, Mo Chaoyuan and Gu Lizhen are sitting in the hall. In the hall, a ruthless Ruilin soldier is kneeling on one knee and will suppress For a long time, a brain confided.

Years are like a shuttle, but they have not left too many traces on Junyi. He is as calm and mighty as he used to be. It just adds some vicissitudes and wisdom left by the years, and the famous Lin Wang, Ruilin Jun Commander-in-chief, but at this moment, his hands are faintly shaking, and his eyes are showing an urgent feeling.

"What do you say... are all true?" The soldier who was squatting in front of the Ruilin army, couldn't help but start to tremble.

Five years.

It has been five years!

More than 1,800 days and nights, repressed the anxiety and uneasiness in my heart, and finally got a relief at this moment, Rao is such a calm person, and can not control the excitement of the heart.

"The sentences spoken by the subordinates are true. It is true that there is a nightingale in front of a palace in the middle three circles! And there is a group of powerful people around the nightingale adults. Listening to the description of the three realms should be the evil domain. The night of the night is correct." The soldiers of the Ruilin army nodded, and the day when the nightingale was seen among the black men, his heart was already jumping out.

From the top of the ruling army, they all know that the innocent side of the monarch is followed by a nightingale. It is that Jun has no medicine to arrange around the innocent. Five years ago, after the **** battle, Jun was arrested without medicine. Innocent and unknown, and the nightingale, night charm and night of the innocent side of Jun are not knowing where to go. Now seeing the nightingale again, almost people can be sure that it is very likely that Jun is not in the evil domain!

Otherwise how will the nightingale appear? ?

If the innocent people really died in the past, they would naturally not live in the nightingale.

The appearance of the nightingale proves indirectly that Junyi has always insisted on it.

If you are innocent, you must be alive!

There was a silence in the whole hall, and Junxi took a deep breath and forced the joy of almost rushing out of the chest.

Qu Lingyue bowed his head slightly and caught the tears in his eyes.

Mo Xiaoyuan slowly sighed, and there was a hint of joy in his mouth that he had never noticed.

"That's good, then it's good, as long as there is no evil and still alive, everything is easy to say." Gu Lizhen greatly relieved.

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