Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2270: One year, 13

The figure was wearing a black robes, and it was unusually lonely in the white candle. She stood still, and the candlelight reflected her figure. Xu heard a slight footstep and she slowly turned around. The fabulous content appeared in front of the nightingale three. Eight? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

That looks beautiful and impeccable. Compared with five years ago, there was a young girl’s youth, and she was more than a woman’s unique silence. There was no emotion in the white face, just like a perfect statue. In general, facing the warm candlelight.

It is so beautiful, but somehow it makes the heart of the night owl and other people feel pain.

"Missy." The nightingale and others immediately slammed on the knees.

It is not the others who stand in front of them. It is the innocent who survived five years ago.

Five years of time, leaving a silent imprint on the body of the innocent, this cold-faced face, added a cold, tall and mighty black beast with the body on the side of the innocent, smooth The fur is more enchanting under the candlelight, and it has a daunting explosion.

The ignorance of the innocent and clear eyes sweeps the night and waits, and raises his hand slightly. The wide sleeves are swept away, and a silent wind follows. In an instant, tens of thousands of candlelights are extinguished in an instant!

She slowly walked out of the apse and walked past the nightingale and others.

The nightingale exchanged a look with the night, the night charm, and immediately followed the innocent body and walked to the main hall.

Above the throne, Jun's legs are overlapping and sitting, with one hand holding the chin, the glamorous face does not contain a trace of emotion, as if the moment of loneliness in the apse is just the illusion of the night.

The black beast crouched at the feet of the innocent. In five years, Xiaohe never appeared in the form of a black cat. **** night and night, it was accompanied by the attitude of the black beast. It is known that Jun’s thoughts are innocent, and it is known that today’s innocent people are not the black cats that are arrogant and lovely, but the powerful and powerful black beasts.

"How?" Jun slowly opened his mouth, and the sound was cold like the broken ice floating on the water.

"Miss Kai-wai, I have already started to attack all the palaces built by the Upper Three Realms in accordance with Missy’s instructions. Today, only 30 palaces were destroyed. I believe that it will take a long time to sit in the upper three circles of the Nine Palaces. Can't sit still." The night owl said immediately.

The innocent eyes were slightly raised, and the casual voice said: "Continue."

"Yes!" Nocturnal nodded, then he seemed to think of something, carefully said: "Miss, I am going to a temple today, it seems that there is a person suspected of Ruilin soldiers."

The voice of the nightingale just landed, and the hand that was innocently supported by the face was suddenly stiff.

The night was so lonely that the nightingale was dark and frowned.

The nightingale bite and bite his teeth: "Not only today, but also in the previous subordinates. In the middle three circles, it is suspected that there are Ruilin troops, but their actions are very hidden, but they have never been seen by people in the Nine Palaces. They are suspected that they may be observing the movement of the Nine Palaces in secret and seem to be ready to do something."

After that, the nightingale secretly observed the reaction of the innocent.

Of course...

Jun has no such thing as the stiffness of the moment. At this time, she has recovered as usual. She slowly raised her eyes and calmed down: "Know it."

The nightingale was slightly stunned, and the innocent did not say anything next to it?

Just... know?

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