Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2279: Please enter 瓮3

In the three days, Qiu Yun gathered all the powers that could be used. On the third day, he went out to the branch of the Sirius Palace, in order to ensure that the people from the night can be wiped out, Jinling and Jiugong disciples. The number of people is almost over 10,000. These tens of thousands of people lurk in the city where the Sirius Palace branch is located in the morning, hiding in various houses, and secretly observing the movement outside. At this moment, the city has already hidden murder. Eight?? One Chinese W?W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

Qiu Yun has absolute confidence, as long as the night people dare to step into the city, he will certainly get all of them!

At that time, he must let them suffer thousands of times of suffering, so that he can vent his repression and anger in the past few days, and he will dig out the sinister domain from those mouths of the night, and there is no medicine left. Long Wu, Qiu Yun concluded that the night of the counterattack, just to revenge for the king, and what he has to do is to completely break the path of the evil domain.


After destroying the evil domain, he can carry the heads of the night people and go to the Three Realms, so that the former evil emperor can appreciate the death of his subordinates!

Thinking about this, Qiu Yun’s eyes are colder.

As everyone knows, a team of people, but at this time rushed to the hillside outside the city.

A handsome and extraordinary young man stood in the wind and stared at the city not far away. At his side, several young people who were as good as him had the same gaze, and watched carefully all the movements outside the city.

"Old Hu is sure, the night will start here today?" The handsome young man with a beautiful face is slightly wrinkled. He seems to be in his early twenties. It is the age of Fenghua Zhengmao, and he is more energetic than the long one. I lost a lot of vicissitudes, but I don't know why, it will give people a very reliable feeling.

"Old Hu's words should be correct. When the night and night attacked the Jiugong branch, a Jinling escaped. Laohu was in the branch and heard the conversation at night. Their goal should be here." The gentle young man standing beside the young man nodded slightly, his slender fingertips lifted slightly, and a crystal clear butterfly fell on his fingertips.

"The butterfly has been detected. There are a lot of Jinling hidden in the city. It seems that those people should also receive news and plan to ambush the night again." Wenrun’s youth raised his hand and the beautiful butterfly flew. far.

Just as a few young people talked, a man wearing a light armor strode. His face was cold and tall, and he was carrying a soldier's unique fortitude.

"Joe Gongzi, Rong Gongzi, the team is ready to attack at any time." The cold man opened his mouth and the light armor in front of him was engraved with a unicorn-shaped totem. This totem represents the strongest of the next three worlds. Army - Ruilin Army!

This person, not someone else, is the great general of Ruilin Army - Longqi!

Five young people standing in front of Ryusaki, five years ago, were still a group of arrogant teenagers. They once fought side by side with Jun, but they were scattered by the fate of the fate. Nowadays, they are reunited here. For the sake of finding a friend who has lost for many years!

"Dragon Brother, let everyone be prepared, Jiugong ambushed a lot of people this time, the night is likely to suffer, we should be shot at the time." Faded to the former green, Joe Chu's face with A hearty smile.

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