Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2284: 瓮中鳖鳖3

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan couldn't help but pinch the cold sweat for the nightingale. In the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Qiu Yun's plan to succeed. He didn't want him to choose his position. If there is a little resistance and disrespect in the Jiugong up and down, Then their nine lords who were taken to the hostages of the Three Realms will be killed in a late manner. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

It is precisely because of the fierce means of the upper three circles that the Nine Palaces dare to speak out. They can ignore their own life and death, but they cannot let their own palace owners be killed because of their actions.

At this moment, Su Jingyan expects a miracle to appear, just like five years ago, in Yunxiao College, there is such a person who can reverse this!

"You said, how should I dispose of you? Is it to break your hands and feet, throw you into the snake pit, or crush each bone in your body, let you lie on the ground like a muddy mud? Or... ...I can bring your head back to the upper three realms and send them to the evil emperor you are doing, let him appreciate it. He is the end of this group of running dogs?" Qiu Yun's vicious opening.

However, the nightingales and others still have no response. They just stare at everything around them indifferently and cautiously. It seems that Qiu Yun’s words are just the wind of the past, and they are not introduced into their ears.

The indifference of the nightingale and others made Qiu Yun’s unhappy feeling worse.

This is the look!

Qiu Yun's hands clasped into fists involuntarily, and the nightmare's indifference to their indifference at the night made him involuntarily think that Jun had no medicine.

When the king of the year had no medicine, it was also like this. When Qiu Yun tried to please him, he was so cold and proud. He did not put his aunt in his eyes, and made Qiu Yun a sad joke!

But now everything is different!

He is no longer the weak one who was cautious in the past, and Jun has no longer lost his former glory and became a prisoner!

How can you be stronger without medicine? It’s strange to blame him for being the medium of the blood sacrifices. How strong is he, can he still be an enemy of the entire upper three circles?

Knowing that the current situation is Junjie, Qiu Yun’s heart suddenly gave birth to a smug.

Qiu Yun’s mouth evoked a vicious smile. He looked up at the nightingale. He didn’t worry about the nightingale. They couldn’t escape, and they didn’t worry that the night’s reinforcements would arrive. The night was stronger, but it was A group of garbage in the middle three circles, among the more than 10,000 people he brought today, there are thousands of Jinling. Today, the nightingales must be difficult to fly!

"It was really the person brought out by the night prince, and he was the same as him. Unfortunately, he has now become a prisoner. What kind of evil emperor is really ridiculous, and he is also called the emperor? But it is not a good person. Idiot! The Lord is willing to keep his dog's life until now, but he is still somewhat useful, and your group of stubborn guys will soon be punished as you should. Perhaps you can take the first step at Huangquan Road. On, give your dog master a way!" Qiu Yun's vicious opening, the irony in his eyes is not hidden.

For a moment, the nightingale and others suddenly pulled out the sword at the waist, and finally there was a cold anger on his face!

"If you dare to smear the squadron halfword, I will wait for you to smash the corpse!" The night squinted cold eyes!

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