Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2288: Return of the king 4

How can this be? !

Qiu Yun was stiff and looked at the innocent face of a cold face. The inexplicable fear spread from every cell in his body. August 1st? Chinese text W≥W≠W≤. ≥8≤1=Z=W. COM

He almost stepped back subconsciously, his face was slightly white because of shock, and he stared at the innocent, and under the pressure of fear, he pretended to calmly say: "Kill me! See you too. Is there any skill! Come on! Bring this woman and everyone in the night to me!"

He does not believe that Jun No Evil can really be strong enough to compete with the top ten masters of the Three Realms!

Qiu Yun’s low voice broke the strange silence in the city in an instant. The people who were on the side of the scene finally came back to God. They almost returned to the moment of God, and immediately followed Qiu Yun’s command, holding the ice blade toward Going to the innocent and killing!

Su Jingyan recovered from the shock, and suddenly the person brought by Qiu Yun was rushing toward the monarch, and for a time he couldn’t care about it, but he squeezed the cold sweat for the emperor. It seems to be a lot stronger, but how to change it, it is only five years. Qiu Yun brought a lot of people this time. The number of Jinling is just a few times that of Yunxiao College. It’s really innocent, and under the siege of so many Jinling, I’m afraid it will be hit hard!

Just when Su Jingyan was worried about the innocence of the king, he suddenly appeared. The nightingales and other people standing behind the innocent, but the face was calm, and even they didn’t even mean the meaning of the shot...

How is this going?

Isn’t the person at night not going to help Jun?

I haven't waited for Su Jingyan to understand the original, and countless vines suddenly emerged from the land under their feet!

The vines that grow wildly seem to be conscious, climbing the calves of everyone with great speed, but the time of blinking, even the people in the room are so hard to move!

Even Su Jingyan’s eyes widened unbelievably. In this city, the number of people brought by Qiu Yun has already exceeded 10,000. However, in the blink of an eye, the vines that were not known to have been born are actually hard. The action of tens of thousands of people!

This is simply impossible to do!

Qiu Yun, who is waiting for the innocent people to be encircled, is shocked. The people he brought are all trapped in the limbs by emerald green vines. One is like being frozen, and the other is stiff. The action can no longer move an inch!

I saw that in the vast city, all but the night and the innocent, all **** by the green vines, the seemingly soft and fragile vines, but even those who are bound by the golden spirit, The knife and shadow of the sword at the moment has already been covered by the green that symbolizes life.

Jun looked at everything in front of her innocently, and she raised her hand slightly. At this time, people noticed that the armor part of her hand did not know when it was extended except for countless small vines, which were as thin as silk. Her fingertips were linked to the soil beneath her feet.

Qiu Yunyi's eyes widened, and he looked incredibly at the innocent. He used his toes to think that the vines that suddenly came out from the ground were afraid to be in the hands of the innocent!

How is she doing it...

Qiu Yun, who was also **** by the vines, could not move.

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