Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2290: Return of the king 6

"You just said... What happened to the night prince?" Jun Wuzhan stood in front of Qiu Yun, and his cold eyes swept over the other party's panicked facial features, like a knife with a knife. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

Qiu Yunxuan couldn’t stop shaking. He looked at Jun Wuji like watching a goblin crawling out of hell. He never felt such fear. He thought his strength was even in the upper three circles. Have you ever suffered such fears? If the non-vine bundles support his body, I am afraid that he has already fallen softly on the ground at this moment.

Under the horror, Qiu Yun unexpectedly couldn't even say a word. He could only squint his eyes and watch the innocent.

Jun no evil raised his chin slightly, his eyes were slightly stunned, and the killing of his eyes was cold.

She slowly raised her hand, a circle of dark green spirit ring in her hands, the faint dark green halo, reflected in Qiu Yun's face, only a moment to make Qiu Yun's face white!

Spirit ring!

This woman has actually condensed the spirit ring! !

Qiu Yun’s incredibly wide-eyed eyes are not willing to believe everything he sees. The spiritual ring is the reversal of the peak of spiritual power. No matter how powerful the spiritual power is, only those who have gathered the spiritual ring are stepping on all the strong. The existence above.

Killing Qiu Yun, he couldn’t think of it. In the barren places of the Three Kingdoms, there is a chance to see the emergence of the spiritual ring!

"You...what do you have...Linghuan..." Qiu Yun’s body was like a catkins in the wind. At this moment, he was completely crazy. He thought that it was the evil spirits that controlled the vines. Regardless of her own strength, the moment when the spirit of the innocent spirit appeared, Qiu Yun realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were!

He himself can already condense the spiritual ring, but his spiritual ring is much weaker than the innocent spiritual ring, and even the intensity of the spiritual pattern has a great gap!

This woman is stronger than him!

Qiu Yun can't believe that the age of innocence can even bring out such a terrible spiritual ring.

Who is she?

"Why?" Jun no evil eyes narrowed down, looking at the ring of his palms, the faint dark green light was printed on her eyes, as if there was a streamer in the depths of her throat, she slowly lifted Eyes, the cold-eyed scorpion stunned at Qiu Yun’s eyes, "to kill you."

Qiu Yun’s eyes widened, and he still wanted to say something, but Jun Wuji did not intend to look at his face again. As long as Qiu Yun said that he was filthy, he was already doomed. death.

The spirit ring in the hands of the innocent hand flicked with her fingertips and flew to the neck of Qiu Yun with great speed. In a flash, the ring of the spirit wraps around Qiu Yun’s neck and wraps around Qiu Yun. The vines around him seem to feel the power of the spirit ring and quickly recede.

Losing the shackles of the vines, under the huge fear, Qiu Yuncang’s fall sat on the ground, he looked like he wanted to reach out and lift the ring on his neck, but the fingertips just touched the corner of the ring. Just like the sudden pain in the thunder and lightning, it spread to his whole body!

"Ah!!!" A scream blew from Qiu Yun's mouth. He fell to the ground with a convulsion, and the spirit ring around his neck quickly gathered, tightly holding his neck out of the skin, but blinking. Between the blue blood lines, spread from the place where the spirit ring is located to his neck, as if something is growing wildly from his body!

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