Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2313: Medical Holy White 5

"How could this be... How could it be... When was it born?" Bai Yan took a deep breath and pressed down his inner sorrow. He thought that the Emperor was still alive, just to avoid the pursuit, only to delay When he appeared, how could he think of ... a friend who had been with him for many years, he had already left the first step. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (eight) Z?W (a). ?C (eight) O (eight) M?

"Five years ago, one of the top ten masters of the top three circles took people around us. In order to **** us away, the ancestors chose to blew themselves." Jun has no eyes on his eyes, and his hands are hidden in his sleeves. The sharp nails are immersed in a soft palm.

"The upper three circles..." The white scorpion returned to the world. He looked at the innocent, the sorrow in his chest, like a heavy hammer constantly slamming into his heart. He resisted grief and looked at Jun. Evil Road: "How powerful is your ancestors, since even he is not an opponent in the Three Realms, how dare you say that you can deal with the importance of the Three Realms? The soul of the soul, you can not know, the Emperor and his Therefore, it’s just to leave the country and hide the name. It’s just to prevent the soul from falling into the hands of the upper three worlds. He has to save his life and keep the soul. What do you do? Don’t you know? If you want to take revenge, you want to take the soul. Bone to take risks, even if I am touched by your loyalty and filial piety, I can’t let you do so without reckless consequences."

Jun No Evil is willing to avenge the emperor, Bai Hao is very pleased, but ... but he does not dare to use the soul bone to make a chip, once the soul bone falls into the hands of the upper three worlds, then the consequences are unimaginable, which indicates that the upper three circles are away from the blood sacrifice three circles, Going one step further.

He dared not take the risk.

Jun No Evil raised his head and looked at the complex look of Bai Yu. "I understand the concerns of the predecessors of the day, and I will not mess with the things that the ancestors are desperately trying to protect. How do I make an appointment with the predecessors?"

"What agreement?" asked Bai Yu.

There is no evil in the king: "After five days, there will be a good show, which will be staged in the third world. I invite you to watch it before, and after reading it, you are deciding whether to give me the soul bone. If after, You still insist on the decision now, and I will respect your choice."

"After five days? What are you going to do?" Bai Yu grasped the key points in Jun Wu's words.

"It doesn't matter what I want to do. As long as you go there, you can know."

The white cockroach bit his teeth, his hands licking the blanket on his lap, and there was a hint of anger at the bottom of his eyes.

"I am willing to go, but I can't go, I just told you, not a lie. My body has not been able to withstand any boat." As a medical sage, Bai Yu is clear about his injuries. He hurts not just the legs.

Jun Wuxu looked at Bai Yudao: "Although I don't have the perfect grasp, I can cure the wounds of the great whites in five days, but make sure that you can travel far after five days, I can still get it, you If you are willing to believe me, let me give it a try."

Bai Hao was slightly surprised to see Jun innocent, still remember that when the emperor praised his little grandson, he praised the skill of the innocent refining medicine, and the immortal medicine that gave the emperor The steps made the white scorpion, who is a medical sage, feel extremely amazing. Unfortunately, the white pheasant did not have the ability to see any martial arts.

After a moment of silence, Bai Hao finally said: "Well, I am willing to believe you."

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