Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2339: I am back 2

"Even if you want to make a hole in this day, you have to tell me and your uncle, you are good, let us know your situation, even if the sky collapses, Lin Wangfu is your home, I am your grandfather. You are always the child of our Lin Wangfu..." Jun Hao’s hand hangs down the table, seemingly venting, he has been worried for so many years. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

Jun no evil held his breath, she did not dare to speak, afraid of an opening, the mood that controlled five years will collapse at this moment.

She can be strong, she can be fearless, she can never fall, even if she is born and died, she can continue with the last hope.


Only, she can't face the warmth of her loved ones, even if she only looks at it, she will crush her strong strength.

That is the most gentle weakness, and the most worrying that she can't escape and can't give up.

"Today, you must promise me. In the future, no matter what you want to do, you must tell me that your grandfather is old and not used, but as long as I am still in the old bones, no one wants to bully me. My granddaughter! Even if you give up this life, you can’t be wronged by you! Do you remember!” For the first time, Jun Hao’s fire was so innocent, but no one could afford it. The thought of rebellion, that is the last love of the elders to the younger generation, that is, the blood that can not be shed is thicker than the water.

"Grandpa...I...remember." The innocent voice of the monk shook a little, and it seemed that there was any emotion that could not be stretched.

Jun Hao gasped, trying to suppress the guilt in his heart, he turned his face and silently wiped the tears in his eyes.

The undefeated war gods who once let the three worlds respect each other can't be strong and strong in front of their granddaughters. Nothing is better than the family.

Junyi stabilized his emotions and slowly reached out. He took over the tea in the hands of the innocent, and drank it.

Junqing, who was on the side, was relieved. He did not trace the sorrowful eyes and tried to maintain a smile on his face.

Father, he is afraid of wronging the evil.

Everything that was born five years ago, they have already heard clearly from the mouth of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao. Even if they have never visited the scene, the description between the spoken words has already made them feel scared, and Jun has no medicine. In terms of meaning, and the emperor is an innocent ancestor, coupled with the tragic death of Yan, they simply can't imagine how the five years of the innocence came over. In the past five years, she Is it often awakened by nightmares, can't you sleep at night?

"Get up." Jun Hao drank tea, dumb and scorpion.

Jun did not rise in silence and stood in front of Jun Hao.

"What are you doing next, sit down!" Jun Hao patted the chair next to him.

When the chair left the three realms from the innocent, the monarch was already prepared, but it had never been sat by anyone. Jun said that the chair was left to the innocent, and no one could sit.

Jun nodded and nodded, and sat down beside Jun.

Qiao Chu and others who came along with Jun Wuxie, after seeing Jun Wuxie finally meet with their family, they all showed a smile.

The little evil child finally got home.

In the future, even if there are more risks, there is a place called “home” in a powerful enemy. It can protect her from the wind, even if this “home” is not invincible, but it is the warmest haven. .

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