Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2341: I am back 4

Xu is worried that Jun has no rushing all the way, everyone does not dare to bother, but only a few young little guys, crying innocently against the innocent, and finally Junqing will swindle and cry. The unsettled New Moon, and the whispered scorpion that was smothered by the Moon, were sent to the backyard to rest in the backyard, and they promised that they would still see the innocent tomorrow, which would make them both. ?八一?中文?W≈W≥W≠. ≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥. =C≈O≈M≠

However, this is so, the moon and the little sisters are still hard to take off from the innocent sleeves, each one is guarded in the arms like a baby, watching Jun Qing suddenly laughed.

These are really the heart of a child.

Yue Yi and the shadow elders greeted the simple and innocent, and did not dare to delay the rest of the innocent, can only endure the emotions in the heart, honestly ran to the backyard, crying, fast-breaking, the moon, Xiao Xiao The guards also went to lick their own little master.

Jun No Evil breathed a sigh of relief in the joy of crying, and was immediately ordered to return to the room by Jun Jun, and he would not go to sleep on the next day.

Night Lone and others, Junqing and Qu Lingyue discussed how to settle the members of the night. The Lord of the Lingyao Temple, who had been watching the audience, helped the hand as the person who came over.

After learning the identity of Bai Yu, Mu Chen was like a ancestor, and he received Bai Hao from his house.

"These three..." Tian Ze frowned, watching the three stupid things standing in front of him.

A black beast, a little sheep, a big eared rabbit...

When two stupid buddies were found in the mountains by the nightingale, they were seriously injured. They thought that they were innocent and degraded. They almost didn’t kill on the spot. Fortunately, they stopped at night and sent them to the innocent. It is only the behavior of suicide and **** rabbits to commit suicide.

In the past five years, the great man and the big-eared rabbit have always stayed in the evil domain, never left, and they are not willing to let them easily risk.

"Give it to me." A gorgeous woman walked to Tianze's side and looked at the three stupid ways of sitting in the row.

As for Tian Ze, the eyes were slightly trembled, and the voice was a bit stiff: "Sister..."

Suya glanced quietly at Tianze, his brows were lightly wrinkled, and he lifted his foot and took Tianze to the side.

"Don't look at the old lady with that kind of look, don't think that the old lady, I can't beat you now, you can get it, sooner or later you will find your teeth!"

Tianze was smashed, but he did not dare to scream. Seeing the spirit of Suya was good, and his heart was relieved.

When Suya was brought back, the whole person seemed to have lost the soul. She did not eat or drink for a full five days. At that time, she was seriously injured. Where can I withstand such a toss, it is clear that there have been dead thoughts, and then Under the dissuasion of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, I only slightly returned some desires for life.

At the beginning, the main hall of Lingyao Temple and Suya said:

[Jun Wuji has no master, no master, no lover, is it that Suya has the heart to let the innocent come back after seeing it... Isn’t his last master alive? 】

That sentence aroused the desire of Suya to survive.

If she wasn’t caught by Bach, maybe everything wouldn’t be born, Yu Jun’s innocence, Su Ya’s heart was awkward, and when she returned to the innocent, she did not come forward to recognize her disciple, just like Jun’s innocence. In that battle, Suya lost her lover and respected master. If she really wants to say, I am afraid that only Suya can understand the despair that Jun had experienced.

That is a collapse that no one else can ever experience.

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