Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2399: Upper Three Realms 4

"Yes. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W? W.81ZW.COM" Wei Ya no longer dare to say a word, can only obey the bottom of the head.

Luo Liancheng cold eyes swept through the two people who were only unassuming, turned their heads and looked at the great rivers and mountains in the lower three circles. The cold eyes were slightly picked up, and the killing of the eyes had already made the pair of eyes look distorted and crazy.

There is no evil, we will meet again soon.

Just this time, you won't be so good!

Thinking of this, Luo Qingcheng's gaze involuntarily fell to the huge carriage in the middle of the team. The black carriage was blocked tightly. The lock chain of the ten arms outside the carriage completely bound the body of the entire carriage. In fact, on the sides of the carriage, there are hundreds of strong guards who are focused on the A, and regardless of the situation inside the car, just outside the defenses revealed, they can know where they are guarding the carriage.

Luo’s eyes showed a cold feeling, and it was an extremely dangerous move to bring the night prince out of the Three Realms. If this is not the case, it’s her, I’m afraid that she will change her name. Her master will never Will allow the night prince to take out the upper three circles.

The permission of Master Luo Luocheng is entirely based on the trust in the strength of Luo.

Today's Luochengcheng has reached the peak of a single spiritual ring. Apart from her master, no one is her opponent in the whole upper three circles. It is because of her power that she can bring out the important prisoner of the night prince.

There is a strange feeling in Luo’s city. Jun’s name is for her to bring the night prince to the next three worlds. Is it just to retaliate against what she did five years ago, or to count on her only to leave the night? Upper three circles?

When this thought was born in the heart of Luo Qingcheng, she was immediately vetoed by her.

She does not believe that Jun is not so smart, can be so accurate!

Xu was thinking of something, Luo Liancheng suddenly went to the carriage, and the marching army did not stop, but it was very orderly to open a road, so that Luo Liancheng all the way.

The horse stood in front of the carriage, Luo Liancheng looked at the thick chain of soul locks, and the corner of his mouth suddenly sneered a sneer.

"We have already reached the next three worlds." Luo Qingcheng spoke, but the words were spoken to the people inside the carriage, but her words, but did not receive any response, the carriage was silent, there was no slight reaction, as if in the car No one is empty.

Luo Qingcheng has long been accustomed to such silence. She does not care about someone's cold, but she is self-satisfied: "You will soon see that there is no evil, I have always been very curious, what is your relationship with her."

This question, from the five years ago, was in the mind of Luo Qingcheng. The night prince even gave the gimmick to the face of Sen Luo, and in order to protect the innocent, she was willing to be brought back to the upper three circles by Luo. In how you don't want to admit it, you have to admit that Jun's innocence has an extraordinary meaning for the night prince.

This is also the reason why Luo Jiangcheng did not kill the king in the past.

She can't stand it. The night prince will be tempted by anyone other than her. She is so good. Why don't she want to stay on her body with a look of the night, will be heart-warming for others?

No matter who the other party is, there is only one dead road!

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I let her escape with good luck five years ago, but this time, she won't have such good luck anymore."

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