Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2443: Last resort 3

Reversing the phalanx, as early as when Jun had left the Sanjie without medicine, he had already secretly prepared. The evil emperor and the evil domain were just the sinful eyes of the king who had no medicine to throw into the upper three circles. His real purpose was to be in the next three realms, only to use The special circumstances of the lower three worlds will enable the upper three circles to stand up. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

Planning for a thousand years, in addition to the night, Jun medicine has left another team in the next three circles - the ghost army.

The Ghost Army never participated in any battle, nor did it reveal the slightest speciality before the people. After they established the country, they secretly built a ghost market and set a reversal of the law in the dark.

This army, Jun has never been used, this is also his most important bargaining chip in dealing with the Three Realms. When he knew that he might be persecuted by the Three Realms, he had already smashed the night. If he "fallen", he would have to He built his mausoleum into the lower three circles.

And no one knows, the true meaning of the evil emperor's mausoleum is actually a reversal of the line of law!

What the Twelve Halls once sought was the key to reversing the law.

Even though the ghosts of the evil emperor "fallen" before the millennium have not been dispatched in the next three worlds, they have only one task, which is to create a reversal of the law.

Jun has no plan for the Millennium, and it has finally played a role.

Qiao Chu and others listened to the frightened war, in addition to the word "admire" in a mind, no longer think of the next thing, whether it is the means of no medicine, or the strategy of innocence, is what they can not match!

No wonder these two people will come together, the feelings are not normal people!

"I am really convinced! You can't hide your hand with a drug-free brother! It's no wonder that the little evil spirits can still go on after such a heavy blow. It turns out that your arrangement is here." Qiao Chu suddenly realized He touched his chin, but did not realize that his words made the face of the drugless.

The flower buds were keenly aware that the smile on the face of Jun had no medicine, and secretly pulled Joe's sleeves and let him shut up.

Although this strategy is embarrassing, but the sacrifice is great, it is very affordable.

Qiao Chu also realized that he had made a mistake when he was hinted at by Hua Yu, and suddenly he looked away.

Jun’s expression without medicine was a little dignified. He looked to the side of the night and said: “How did the little evil child pass in these five years?”

The joy of gathering dilute the previous fears, but the words of Qiao Chu, let Jun no medicine suddenly realized that these five years ... Jun is not afraid of being bad.

The nightingale looked slightly white, and he did not dare to speak with his head down.

"You said." Jun no medicine pointed to the side of the night charm.

The night charm was a little nervous and looked at Jun without medicine. For a time, I didn’t know how to open it.

Is it good for the five years before Jun?

They simply don't know how to answer.

The night never lie to the evil emperor, but because of this, they can't speak.

They can't tell the truth that there is no medicine, and that it has been bad for five years. It is not good at all.

The silence of their nighting makes the face of Jun’s drugless face become colder, and even if there is no answer, he has already had a result in his heart.

His little evil child, these five years...

It’s not good at all!

I felt a lot of pain in my heart, even if I didn't know the specific situation, even if I didn't get any answers, but as long as I thought that there was a bad point in the five years of the innocent, Jun would feel depressed.


Suddenly a cold voice came into the ears of everyone.

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