Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2465: Cave house candle 3

Jun's hand-free touch is like a flame, leaving a strange heat on the innocent skin. Her face is redder, and a hot air is pouring out from the body, which is very subtle. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

Jun has no medicine, and he has a soft touch under his broad chest. He smiles and whispers in the ear of the innocent: "No matter what you want to learn, I can teach you." However, the instinct makes it clear that there is no medicine, what is what you want.

He wants everything about her.

The innocent eyes are half squatting, and the smell of his breath is filled with his smell.

The smiling lip piece fell between her neck, little by little, like a warm, rainy water dripping on her neck.

A thin kiss, gentle and dense.

I feel like I am in the hot springs, and I can't tell the heat, and my consciousness gradually becomes blurred.

"Little evil child, do you want to learn?" With a smile, full of sorrow, it sounded in her ear.

The clothes have been faded, and the squinting eyes are blind, and I don’t know when the clothes have faded, and the breath is quiet.

Meng’s head didn’t know how to think about it. She could only follow the instinct and gently nodded.

The smile of Jun's mouth is thicker, and she kissed every inch of her skin and passed the softness of each of her. The big hand quietly went down.

The sudden current passed through the whole body, the eyes of the innocent eyes were slightly enlarged, the body was subconsciously tightened, and the exclamation of the unspoken mouth was swallowed by the falling kiss. The gentle kiss kissed the breath of her mouth and plundered each One inch belongs to her fragrance, overbearing and gentle, but intertwined with the strange pleasure, so that she is more lost in the direction of thinking.

Between the lips and teeth, he whispered: "Don't be afraid... I won't hurt you..."

The innocent mind is already groggy, the ignorant feeling makes her eyes blurred, and her hands are smashed into his hot chest, and every inch of skin that touches seems to be burning.

The eyes covered with a layer of water mist with a hint of ignorance and helplessness, but the helplessness of the beast in the heart of the unsolved heart broke away from the last bondage. He took a deep breath and stunned because of his patience. The bean's sweat oozes from his forehead, and his knife-cut cheeks drips on her clavicle.

The crystal clear sweat rolls over her beautiful collarbone, with a seductive look.

Hot fingertips, a little bit of kneading, open up the place where no man has visited.

The warmth there is like a fierce fire, and it is burning with the last sense of wisdom.

Jun No Evil can only be shocked by the unfamiliar pleasure, and the petite body trembles under him.

"Little evil child... I... I can't stand it..." The sound that squeezed out of the teeth was introduced into the ears of the innocent.

She opened her eyes ignorantly, looking at him covered with sweat on his face, somehow, and suddenly reached out and wrapped his hand around his neck, and the whistling sound bloomed in his ear.


The two words are like the honey words of the liberation of the curse, and the eyes of the unmedicated eyes become extremely deep. He suddenly took a deep breath at the moment when the princes were innocent.

"Little evil child... I love you..."



The night is horrible, it is the moment of spring and the moment is worth a thousand dollars.


[No responsibility small theater]

Some North: Those comrades who gave me the reference to the dirty paragraphs you wrote, you are enough! Are you all reincarnation of the demon king! ! ! Will it be reported? ! ! (捂 chest, heart plug, I urgently need a wave of monthly tickets to save.)

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