Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2475: Interrogation 2

"Miss Junda. Bayi Chinese W≠W≈W ≥. ≠ 8 = 1 ≤ Z ≥ W ≥. = C ≤ O ≥ M" Baiyun Xian section of the ceremony, humble attitude.

She and her, have long been the difference between the clouds and mud, do not want to say the heart of the fight, Bai Yunxian in front of the innocent, can not get a little pride and confidence.

"Take me to the dungeon."

"Tangjie?" Baiyunxian slightly glimpsed.

Jun Wuxie got married yesterday, she went with Mo Xiaoyuan, although it was not discussed in detail, but on the second morning of this big marriage, how can I go to Tianzhu in the innocent?

Bai Yunxian did not dare to ask anything more about the scorpion of Shang Jun’s innocence and coldness. He could only shun the road: "Okay, please come with me."

Led by Bai Yunxian, Jun has no evil to the dungeon.

At this point a figure is standing in the dungeon and doing something to a unkempt man.

Suddenly the footsteps were heard, and the man stopped his hand and turned his head. When he saw Jun Wu and Bai Yunxian, the man gave a slight glimpse.

"Yin Yan? How are you here?" Bai Yunxian was a little surprised when he saw Yin Yan.

Yin Yan bowed his head: "Xie Changming's mind is a bit mad, want to destroy his own ring spirit, so Master Gu let me come and see."

Bai Yunxian nodded. Yin Yan, like her, used to be an innocent opponent. Now, they can only look up to the innocent and fold the restless heart.

In the cage, Xie Changming’s fell to the ground, his clothes were dirty, his head was tangled together like a hay, and the appearance of the innocent did not restore him any sense. He was only gazing at the corner of the cage, his mouth was slightly open. Oh, oh, it’s ambiguous.

Jun did not look at him without looking at it. He asked himself: "Where is Luo Gocheng?"

"Please come with me." Bai Yunxian stepped forward and walked to the end of the dungeon with Jun.

It was a closed dungeon, leaving only a long, wide-mouthed mouth.

Bai Yunxian nodded to the guard, and the guards at the door immediately opened the door of the cell.

In the cell, twelve candlelights illuminate the entire dungeon. The walls, roofs and floors are all spliced ​​with bronze mirrors, which is generally the same as the room where Luoyang was imprisoned.

In the bright cage, there is a disgusting sour smell, and the person who has fallen into the cell by the lock soul chain has long been a human being, no ghost.

The clothes on my body were so filthy that I couldn’t see the original color.

"贱人!" Unrecognizable Luo Qingcheng looked up, bloodshot eyes squatting into the dungeon.

She was detained in this special room, lived a life that was not as good as death, and opened her eyes every day. She saw her **** face, which made her more painful than killing her. Beauty has ceased to exist, and the reflection in the mirror is an ugly face like a evil spirit.

Jun Wuji did not let anyone impose any criminal law on her, just shut her up here, **** water supply and food, but she could not move, can only be stiffly hanged here, can not survive, can not die.

"Hey! There is a kind of killing me! I will not let you go to the ghosts!" Luo Dingcheng swears at the innocent, can not wait to eat her meat to drink her blood.

If it is not innocent, how can she fall to this point?

If she knew that it was such a torture after being arrested, she would rather be on the spot when she was defeated!

"I won't kill you, you live with peace of mind, live well, and you can slowly appreciate your present ‘Flower Moon.’” Jun Nothing looked coldly at Luo’s city.

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