Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2492: Isolated island 1

An isolated island, appearing on the deep sea of ​​death, is like a boat. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

At this time, the sea was blowing a gust of wind, and the fine rain fell on the calm sea, causing a little ripple.

"Would you like to go down the island?" Jun No Evil stood by the side of the drug, and the sea experienced most of the month. This is their first existing island. The area of ​​the island is not too small, the trees are dense, and it looks like there is no People smoke.

"Yeah." Jun nodded without medicine, and there were some warnings about the weather. This is a sign of the future of the storm. It is a good thing for them to find a small island at this moment.

Especially in the case of a seasickness, if the storm is encountered, the hull will only make her situation worse.

Jun was ordered to land without a drug, and the anchor was left. Most of the people at night and the ghost army stayed on the boat. Only a few people in the nightingale followed the emperor and they went down, except for the three people in the night. The man with a ghost face also followed the past. The man was the commander of the Ghost Army. It was named Ghost Huang. It was one of the confidants of Jun. He was silent and silent on the weekdays. He never heard him open his mouth.

The island is very quiet, only the wind blows the rustling of the leaves.

Jun No Evil has also hugged the little sea soul beast, and the frightened little guy, this time his eyes are still a little scared, when the panic is slightly better than the square, Xu is aware that Jun is not evil, they are not hunting Their enemies, the little guys are very quiet at this time.

When you were on the boat, everyone only thought that the island was not small, but after they landed, they realized that the area of ​​the island was actually very vast. Standing on the shore, you couldn’t see the end at first glance, only that was dense. The jungle covered the road ahead.

"It can be regarded as stepping on the ground, and it has been swaying on the ship for so long. It is really uncomfortable. I feel that my brain is swaying into a paste." Qiao Chu activities have been ribbed, and there is no wolverine after being wet by the rain. Full of spirit.

The life at sea is more or less uncomfortable for them. Before they rushed to the Three Realms and the Central Third World, they also took a boat, but it didn’t last that long. This time it really hurt him.

The innocent holding the little sea soul beast went to Rong Ruo's side, the black cat sat on her shoulder, and the big man and the **** rabbit walked along her feet.

Rong Ruo’s face was still very pale, and the sudden retching caused her uncomfortable body to become more prostration. She was sitting on the reef on the shore at the moment, panting with a big mouth.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Jun Wuxie looked at Rong Ruo’s reaction and frowned slightly. It was strange to say that Rong Ruo had been well before, but somehow there was a sudden seasick reaction on these two days. Health has passed.

Jun No Evil has checked her several times of pulse, and there have been no abnormalities. Except for her weakness, she can't find any signs.

As if, it’s just a sudden seasickness.

If I nodded tiredly, I was only caught in the sea soul beast when I was killed. I don’t know if it was bloody, let her disgustingly vomited the bile, and the brain burst into pain, and my heart was like being human. It is difficult to breathe like a boulder.

"I went to see if there is a cave suitable for rest on the island. If you are in a small situation today, don't go on board for a while." Non-smoke is somewhat distressing and proposes to everyone.

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