Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2501: Mental strength 1

The woman bent over and picked up a small sea soul beast. The big eyes of the little sea soul beast looked between Jun and Evil and Jun had no medicine. The woman's hand covered it on the forehead, and the eyes flashed a smile. Bayi Chinese Network W? W? W (a). 81ZW. COM

"This child likes you." The woman looked up at the innocent way.

There is some helplessness in the innocent, and she is not surprised at this situation.

Because of the phylogeny of the plant system, basically the beasts that eat grass will have a good impression on her.

However, what surprised Jun is that the woman’s hand was over the forehead of the Little Sea Soul, as if she could perceive what the Little Sea Soul was thinking.

"Can you feel its thoughts?" Jun looked at the other side with curiosity.

The woman nodded slightly.

"This is the characteristics of the Virgo, the spirit is strong, the purer the blood, the stronger the sense, my words... It should be possible to communicate with them completely. When the night was arrested, the upper three circles were bloody. The wind, even the coastline has spread, the sea spirit beasts have seen, and I told you... I think the plan of the Lord has already begun preparations, so what are you going back to?" The woman sighed.

"Escape, never a solution to the problem." Jun has no medicine.

The woman smiled bitterly, but her eyes fell on the innocent body. "This time I saw you, it seems that there was a big difference in the past. I don't know, this is..."

"My wife." When Jun said nothing, he couldn't help but stand up slightly and be proud of his pride.

The smear of the eyes can make all the women in the world envious.

"It's really... surprising." The woman's eyes widened. Obviously, the impression that Jun had given her before was not like a person who would marry him.

To be more precise, the night prince was like a monster, appearing in the upper three circles, causing a panic for a while.

Jun did not take medicine.

Jun has no intention but has reached out and touched the little sea soul beast in the woman's arms. Whenever she is, she has no resistance to this lovely creature.

"Only the people of the Virgo can communicate with them spiritually?" The eyes of the innocent are slightly brighter.

The woman seems to see the expectation of the innocent, just think that this seemingly deserted little girl is actually as a child, it is really interesting, she chuckled: "It is not absolute, some people's mental strength is higher than Other people, if they are practicing day after day, may also reach this point. The characteristics of the Virgo are only natural and strong, not unique, but occupy an advantage."

The woman said that it is simple, but Jun has no medicine but it is very clear. Even if there is an ordinary ethnic group among the saints, the intensity of their mental power is much higher than that of the strong person who gathers the spirit.

Compared with the spiritual power, the intensity of mental power is slightly inferior, but if the spiritual strength is raised to a certain level, killing is invisible, it is the hand to come.

There is no need for any battle at all, just relying on mental attacks, it is enough to make the opponent die silently.

Just seeing Jun is so curious and so curious, Jun has no medicine and has not disturbed the interest of Xiaojiao. It is rare that there is something that can be of interest to Jun. As a husband, he is naturally 100% supportive.

The woman looked at the enthusiasm of the innocent eyes, and the touch of light made her heart suddenly jump.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you."

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