Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2511: Have you experienced despair 2

The ten giant ships are so large that the two ships in the Sea Spirit City are in front of them as small as the children standing in front of the giants.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. COM

Yan Hai was sweating and sweating. He fell down on the deck and was wet with sweat, as if he had fished out of the sea.

No wonder...

It is no wonder that the spiritual ring powerhouse will suddenly stop chasing. It turns out that she has already seen the emergence of ten giant ships.

No more retreat...

All the escape routes of the ships of the Sea Spirit City have been blocked, and they simply cannot escape from here!

Despair that has never been seen before, is overwhelming at this moment.

"Small city masters... less city owners... what do we do?" The other people in the sea soul city are crying.

Yan Hai is like a stupid, sitting on the deck, motionless, a pair of eyes stunned boss.

On the ship at night, Jun No Evil stood on the bow of the ship, and across the two ships of the Sea Spirit City, he nodded slightly to the son, and then she looked at the nights that had already been packed up behind him: "One does not stay."

The lore is already down!

Ten ships flew innumerable flying claws, and one end of the flying claws was directly nailed to the ship of the Sea Spirit City. The night in the black dress, the ghost army rushed to the ship of the sea soul city in the moment. .

A massacre, unfolding in the deep sea of ​​death!

Qiao Chu and others took the lead and rushed to the deck of the ship of the Sea Spirit City. At half point, there was no soft hand to kill the group of scorpions from the upper three circles!

Blood covered the entire deck, and the cries and mourning sounded one after another.

This is the first battle between the night and the ghost army in the upper three realms, and also indicates that a new history is about to open!

Hundreds of people in the sea soul city, struggling to be killed in less than a few minutes!

The boat at night was docked, and everyone stood on the beach with a **** sigh, but the **** picture on the beach was really shocking.

Zi Yan has stood on the shore, in the blood, the heroic figure is extremely adoring.

Jun No Evil and Jun went to the boat without medicine, watching the remains left on the coast after being slaughtered by the children.

The non-smoke followed by a circle of darkness touched the nose, and the timid accompaniment said: "I think this is really superfluous this time. I didn't expect the strength of Zizi to be so strong."

They were still worried that the children would be outnumbered, and then they rushed in, but did not expect the scene on the coast to give them a head.

Even if the night and the ghost army do not move, just relying on the strength of the child, who wants the second sea soul city, is as simple as playing?

Jun Wuxie also realized the strength of Zizi. She once personally handed over Luo Luocheng, who claimed to be the strongest single spirit ring in the Three Realms. She had to admit that the strength of Luochengcheng was already the peak, but until her Seeing the child's shot, it is now... It turned out that there is a higher realm of the single spirit ring on the Luocheng City!

As far as the strength of Luo’s city is concerned, I’m afraid I can’t do it.

"Thank you." Zi Yan looked at the innocent, they came, and nodded slightly, thank you, the innocent of their shots, but the end of the battle is faster.

"In fact, you can solve them without us." Jun said that it is very real, and the strength of Zizi is far beyond her expectations. This seemingly gentle woman, the strength of the shackles, has become more and more !

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