Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2516: Sea soul city 1

Located in the coastal area of ​​the Upper Three Borders, the Sea Soul City is one of the most lively places in the Upper Three Realms. From the pier to the city, the shirtless brawny can carry a box carrying the body of the sea spirit beast at the dock. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

These people are the bottom of the upper three worlds. Their spiritual power is golden, but they are very thin. The duration of the battle is very short. In the upper three circles, Jinling has been smashed into the most valuable things, everywhere. Grasping a person is the level of Jin Ling, but it is impossible to know how much gold is in this power.

On the pier, a group of people in the sea spirit city were gathered. On the coastline, a ship full of ships was docked, and the anchors were lowered. The bodies of many sea spirit beasts were carried from the ship.

The ship that was first docked had all been unloaded, and a group of people who had been bumping for many days at sea stood on the edge of the dock and stole.

"Old Wu, you haven’t got much of this harvest. If you go back, you’re afraid it’s not easy to explain.” Looking at the jar filled with the blood of the sea soul, a shirtless brawny looked at the slave. The middle-aged man who came down from the boat that first arrived, with a smile on his face.

The middle-aged man named Lao Wu glanced at him with disappointment. "The code is divided into such remote waters. How many sea spirit beasts can be caught on it? These are also abolished by half-life, don't follow me. It’s here, hurry and get out!”

The old Wu mouth is very awkward in the heart, and each fleet of the sea soul city has a corresponding task. In the same period of the fleet, it is the oldest Wu. The two ships are the most barren, not only remote. And the number of sea spirit beasts is also very poor, they have spent a lot of effort to catch dozens of them, can not wait to sweep the entire sea, and no more gains.

Old Wu thought that this task was impossible to complete, and he turned his head and squinted a few eyes on the fleets that arrived later. He watched the large number of sea spirit beasts that were transported on the ships, and hated the teeth.

For those who are not strong enough, there is basically no possibility of continuing to climb upwards. The space for spiritual improvement is limited. The only thing that can be done is to do some physical work, earn a meal, sea spirit beast. The number is directly related to their income, which makes Lao Wu very wrong, but ... his strength is the weakest among the leaders of many fleets, even if there is more grievances, they can only endure.

"Hey, the ship of the Lesser Town is back, it seems that the harvest is not small!" The people on the dock sipped and the two boats that were finally docked had been docked. The "Yan Hai" of a Chinese costume was in many people. Looked down and walked down.

Lao Wu was dissatisfied and did not dare to show it. The smoker in his hand was inserted into the waist, and with a charming smile and other people greeted him toward Yan Hai.

"Small city owners can still get used to the sea for the first time? I heard that the lesser owners will gain a lot of money. It is really powerful!" A group of people surrounded the "Yan Hai", a busy and flattering.

Looking at the whole sea soul city, the most powerful and incumbent city owner is the Shaocheng master Yan Hai. All of them almost subconsciously regard Yan Hai as the next city owner of Hai Hing City. Catch the flattering.

The face of Yan Hai was walked in front of these people, and the words of congratulations were turned a deaf ear.

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