Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2531: Killing has moved 2

On the Yanhai House, Jun was innocent and leisurely sitting in a chair. Qiao Chu and others were eager to come and asked what Yanwan had said to her. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

"It’s just that I took back the management of the Sea Spirit City. It’s no big deal.” Jun is innocent.

"That's it? This is not like what Yanwan will do." Fan Zhuo slightly frowned, Yan Wan thought and poisoned, his son has been killed so many times, this is no evil, this is not too small, so much The return of the empty ship, the body of the sea spirit beast that has piled up on the side of the workshop has been consumed by most of the corpses. If it is so unable to make ends meet, the sea soul city is afraid that it can not afford this responsibility.

Through the plan of Yanwan, Jun Wuxu will use one army and use it ingeniously, but it will also be more angry with the violent bay. They don’t think that Yanwan will let go of the innocence so easily.

"There is no trick, even if he makes it out." Jun sneer sneered.

It was night, quiet, and the moon was high, but it was covered by dark clouds.

Jun is sitting in the room without medicine. He looks at the innocent people who are refining the medicinal herbs. Since they are married, they have no excuse to drive him out of the room. Even if they can’t get close, they can always see. She, he is very satisfied.

Fortunately in life, this is probably the case.

Suddenly, the candlelight in the room was lightly shaken, and the figure of the photo shook gently.

Zheng’s sitting on the chair was innocent, suddenly put down the herbs in his hands and looked up.

"It's really, I am anxious." A touch of coldness quietly rises in the eyes of the innocent.

In Yanhaifu, a dozen black shadows quietly broke into the house. The guards who had been kept inside and outside the government somehow, all of them were soft and soft, like sleeping.

The black men sneaked in, but they knew the deconstruction in the house. After a while, they entered the inner court from the outer court.

The black man cautiously observed everything in the courtyard, and determined that no one was still awake, this quietly waved to the companions behind him.

"Boss, why are you so cautious? The people in this house have already been put into the rosemary, and we have to say that we people come in, even if they beat the drums, they can't wake up." A black man The cautiousness of the collar is quite disappointing.

Before they entered the government, they had already put rosemary, even if it was Jinling. Under this fragrance, there was no resistance. They could only sleep in a faint, even if they could not hurt their lives, they could temporarily Lift their consciousness.

The black man frowned slightly.

"This is not a trivial matter. He is always worried. If you are wrong, you and I can't afford it."

Hearing the words of the old man, the black man who did not agree with it suddenly converges on a gentle attitude, and his eyes become tense.

"The strength of Yanhai is not weak. This rosemary may not be useful to him. However, there are not many masters in his house. Now he should only be alone and still be awake. If you remember clearly, you will have to be better off, so as not to fall down." "The collar of the black man."

A group of men nodded their heads and voices. They had already touched the courtyard where Yan Hai was living. The courtyard was silent, and only the insects rang.

The bedroom was dark and it seemed that the person in the room was already asleep.

The black collar immediately made an attacking gesture, and the number of black shadows broke into the door with great speed!

In the shortest time, they slashed their swords toward the bed in the shortest time!

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