Unfamiliar and familiar sedition spread in the bottom of my heart, but Jun had no medicine but forced to press down the feeling of being out of his control, until she turned the sinless into a complete soul, which awakened her. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

After Wang did not wake up, Jun took her directly into the soul world without medicine.

The feeling of crossing the door of the soul world is no different from entering the ghost world. Jun No evil has stepped into the soul world with almost no abnormalities.

However, after really entering the realm of the soul, everything in front of us makes it clear that Jun is clearly aware that where she is, she is a completely strange world of soul!

It is a paradise covered by blue, the blue sky, the white clouds blossoming, and looking at it, there is a high hanging tomorrow!

The soil under the feet is soft and real, and the surrounding air is filled with the fragrance of a vegetation.

The scene of the soul world, like the Three Realms, is not as dim as the ghost world!

Jun Wuxu looked at everything in front of him, slightly awkward, she looked up subconsciously to see Jun without medicine, with a hint of inquiries in the clear throat.

Jun has no medicine to see the innocent reaction in the eyes, involuntarily chuckle, even after many years, experienced more bumps, the little guy will occasionally reveal that kind of green and ignorant expression, as if any previous life Nothing has tainted her pure soul.

"It's very unexpected?" Jun looked at Jun without evil.

"Here... is different from the ghost world." Jun looked at the innocent eyes, and the passage between the soul world and the outside world was between the two mountains. The stream was not far away, and the sound of the mountains and the mountains was full of crisp sound. Trees, flowers and grass are intertwined with the earth, and it is faint to see birds flying through the forest.

Everything here seems to be so real. If you don't know where you are, you are afraid that it is difficult to connect this place with the living place of the soul.

Jun couldn't help but chuckle, bowed his head and kissed the top of the innocent, this is the way: "The ghost world is transformed by the power of the spirit, although the power of the spirit is good, but compared to the soul tree, However, it is still too small. In the three realms, all souls come from the soul tree. It can be said that the soul tree is the only one in the world. The power it possesses is comparable to the spirit master?"

Jun has no medicine to look at the familiar soul world. When he had not left the Three Realms, he once came to the soul world. If the soul tree is strong enough, how can he put his eyes in his eyes? Will you take the seeds of the soul tree?

In terms of the power of the soul tree, it can make the soul boundary look arbitrarily. The soul tree has no desire, but only breeds various souls. It makes the soul world so real, in order to give those who care about it. "Children" is a complete world.

The soul that the soul tree breeds can choose to turn into a person, or an animal, or stay in the soul world. It has great tolerance for the soul that it has nurtured.

If it is true, this soul world is more suitable for life than the Three Realms!

"I think, you will like it here." Jun has no medicine to pull the innocent hand, take her into this magical world, there is no intrigue in the soul world, but it is very suitable for the nature of the immortal.

"But here, it is not safe." Jun Wuxie suddenly opened the door, she did not forget, why Qinqin and Longjiu rushed back, the soul world, I am afraid that it is no longer the paradise.

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