Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2589: Counting 3

If you have no medicine, the look on Meng Qiu’s face is ugly. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

You must know that this one standing in front of him is not the loyal soul of the soul world, but the "all wanted" who once personally stealed the soul tree seeds! It is a joke to take the safety of the soul tree and threaten it.

Not to mention that the life and death of the soul tree has nothing to do with the sinless medicine. I am afraid that even the power of chaos that was previously done is just a lie that is confusing.

Meng Qiu felt that the refining method of the soul world would be learned by an anthropomorphism. Only he was busy covering his crimes. He mistakenly missed this strange thing. Now I think of it, I immediately feel that it is all Jun has no plans to plan!

Meng Qiu’s suspiciousness made him convinced that everything that Jun had done without medicine was disguised, but he did not know that he happened to miss the only sentence in the no-medicine discourse—the truth.

Jun is not disturbed by the power of chaos.

The reason why Jun has no medicine to dare to say with Meng Qiu is that it is not true that Meng Qiu’s character will not be taken seriously.

At this moment, Meng Qiu is like falling into the endless abyss. All the chips he holds in his hand are ineffective for Jun without medicine!

"Night prince, what do you want to do? I have no enmity with you, why should you target me?" Meng Qiu was a little panicked, the soul tree could not control the sinless drug, which means he lost all his cuddling, and he Only then will all the black souls be opened, and now even if they really fight, no one will help him.

With his strength, and Jun has no medicine, only one soul flies away!

Jun has no medicine to look at the slightly embarrassed Meng Qiu, he did not care about his meaning, but focused on the eyes of the innocent.

"Little evil child, what do you say now?"

Jun No Evil took a look at Jun without medicine. I have to say that this is really a slap in the face, obviously paying attention to the life and death of the soul tree, but it has put a pair of "you want to destroy and destroy, shut my ass" The attitude comes, it is hard to force Meng Qiu to have no way to escape, but also a stone two birds... The seed of the soul tree has already been integrated with her soul, how to raise a new soul tree?

Will she bury her in the mud of the soul world?

This is the first time that Jun’s innocent person has seen the drug, and it’s really an eye-opener.

It turns out that this is not only the strength, but also the acting is not too much.

"It is neither happy nor killing."

The understatement of a sentence made Meng Qiu a big enemy.

"That is as you wish." Jun's figure without medicine disappeared into the side of the innocent, Meng Qiu's body jerked, almost in an instant, and turned away.

Standing on the side of the innocent, the **** velvet flowers smiled and looked at the back of Meng Qiu’s deserted land. He couldn’t help but ridiculed: “Master, did he let him escape?”

"Escaped?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows.

Almost at the moment when her voice landed, there was a loud noise!

Jun's drug-free figure has fallen to the front of Meng Qiu, and he did not give Meng Qiu a slight reaction time. He lifted his long legs and instantly flew Meng Qiufei back!

Just like the same, Meng Qiu treats everything that Long Jiu has done.

Only this time, Jun was not willing to carry it with his medicine, only to encounter the dirty hand that had dirty his own hands.

Meng Qiu fell heavily on the ground, and this foot of no medicine is much heavier than his strength in playing Longjiu!

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