Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2617: Soul Taiwan 2

There are so many wars that Jun No Evil and Jun have not participated in, and I know how to control the situation in front of me. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

The piano song nodded and immediately organized the rescued soul, and was handed over to the ruler of the ruleless and the innocent commander. The number of souls assigned to the soul tree was more than doubled.

At the same time, the black souls who had fled and escaped had already learned the news of Meng Qiu’s fall. They were in horror, and they fled to the Soul Taiwan in the same way as Jun did not expect.

At the rising soul station, Yuxi frowned and looked at the black armor of the ground. The black face was filled with anger. Those black souls made the sadness of the soul world, and now they are Scared bird, scared face white.

"It’s a bunch of waste!" Yuxi screamed in dismay and turned and walked into the hall behind him.

In the temple, the fragrance was filled with scent, and the gentleman was sitting on the top seat and his eyes were quiet.

Yu Xi looked at the face of Jun Gu Junmei, the troubled heart was a little calmer, but the brow did not have the slightest Panasonic.

"What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?" Jun looked up at Yu Xi, and the black screaming souls of the other black screaming swelled his mind, and some of the groggy heads could not help but feel some pain.

Yu Xi stepped forward and said: "Meng Qiu, the idiot is dead."

"Oh? Someone in the soul world killed him?" Jun Gu slightly raised his eyebrows, Meng Qiu's strength can be said to be outstanding in the soul, so the Lord will choose to cooperate with Meng Qiu, Meng Qiu a few days before Come to the Soul Desk and ask when the sacrifice can begin. How can I die today?

The three-day period has already arrived, and the issue of sacrifice has been prepared. It will start soon, but who can think that there will be a scorpion at this time.

"I know what people are doing?" Jun Gu brows light wrinkles, Meng Qiu died, the mastery of the soul world will be out of control, which is not good news for them.

The more ugly the face of Yu Xi, the more she paused after a moment: "It is the night prince."

Jun Gu slightly glimpsed.


The name of the night prince is of great significance to the upper three worlds.

"He is not locked in the upper three worlds? How can it appear in the soul world?" Jun can not help but have some doubts, he has never seen the legendary night prince, just heard the name from the mouth of the Lord, this person is related The success or failure of the Three Festivals of Blood Festival is the focus of the upper three circles.

Yu Xi shook his head. "Not long ago, a woman from the Lower Three Realms provoked Luo Liancheng. The man had a soul bone in his hand. He named Luo Liancheng with the night prince to go to the lower three circles. The Lord also agreed, but after However, I heard that Luo Luocheng defeated, and the night prince also escaped, so the Lord will let us complete the soul sacrifice as soon as possible."

Jun Gu glimpsed a glimpse, "The people in the next three circles provoke Luo Luocheng?"

Although Jun Gu and Luo Dangcheng did not have much contact, but they knew the strength of Luo Dangcheng. In the disparity between the following three circles and the upper three circles, it was almost a fantasy to defeat Luo.

"Who is this?" Jun Gu involuntarily gave the person a hint of curiosity.

"I heard that it is called Jun."

" evil..." I don't know why. When Jun Gu heard the name, he suddenly flashed a blurry picture in his mind. His eyes were slightly stunned, as if something had flashed through his heart. But it quickly made him unable to capture.

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