Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2620: Soul Festival 2

Jun has no medicine to watch the innocent. "We are not the soul of this world.??????? Chinese W?W?W?.?8(eight)1ZW.COM"

Jun is innocent.

Jun has no medicine and has reached out to hold the innocent in his arms. "We rushed over immediately."

This light coverage is too fast. If you continue to let go, the whole soul world will be destroyed. Jun has no medicine and is not afraid of sacrifice. He used to dislike the feeling of being used, but now he is absolutely unacceptable. The plan for the upper three circles was successful.

only because……

The soul of the outside world among the three worlds has long been a non-one. Once the soul sacrifice is successful, even the innocent will be sacrificed!

Jun did not dare to delay the moment without medicine, holding the innocent and flying to the top of the soul mountain!

Qinge and Longji can only look at the back of the two of them with their expected eyes.

Above the soul mountain, the sorrow of the soul comes one after another, the sharp mourning sound, almost piercing the eardrum of the human!

Yan Xi stood by the rising soul platform and watched the light that gradually spread to the whole soul world. The eyes flashed a bit of vicious coldness. In the cage around the rising soul platform, the first souls that were affected have become soul sacrifices. The sacrifices, their souls become more and more transparent, twisted and open their mouths, squinting, faintly visible, the soul of the soul is being steamed from their bodies, gathering toward the light, becoming the victim of the soul sacrifice .

"Very good, no matter how long it will take, the plan of the Lord will be successful." Yuxi looked at him with satisfaction, even if the night prince was in the soul world? As long as the soul sacrifice is reached, it is when he is to be sacrificed, and the blood sacrifices to the three worlds... will soon become a reality.

Until then, no one can stop it all!

"妍希大人!" Heran, a soldier from the upper three realms rushed to the front of Yu Xi, his face was ugly to the extreme.

"What?" Yu Xi slightly frowned, and at such a critical moment, she did not want to be bothered by anything.

"There is an enemy on the soul mountain! It is coming in very fast!" The man trembled.

"And there is a soul sacrifice for the soul body?" Yu Xi's brow wrinkles, once the soul sacrifice begins, all the souls under their cover will be extracted instantly, even if they are from the upper three worlds, so they The badges that isolated the Soul Festival were worn in advance.

However, this matter has the soul body rushed over?

"Yes... is the night prince..." The soldier trembled.

Yu Xi’s eyes are huge!

So fast!

Yu Xi looked up at the huge ball of light that was constantly absorbing the soul, and his eyes picked up slightly.

"No matter what method you use, block him! Don't let him get close to the soul sacrifice!"

Just give her a little more time and the soul sacrifice will be completed!

Just drag it for a while!

The soldiers in the upper three circles were all cold, and the name of the night prince was like the nightmare that their hearts couldn’t linger, but the order of Yu Xi had already gone down. They simply did not dare to defy. They could only bite the scalp and go to the mountainside of the Soul Mountain. No medicine and no evil to stop!

"Everyone is going to stop him! Don't let him go to the top of the mountain!" He Xi Gao shouted and watched the plan be successful. At this time, she absolutely would not allow any accidental life!

A large number of soldiers rushed toward the mountainside of the Soul Mountain. At the same time, Jun had no medicine to embark on the soul mountain with Jun Wu, and only the road leading to the mountain top in the dense forest, the whole soul mountain , has been shrouded in green light.

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