Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2675: Can't be said 5

Nothing can be used to measure a normal woman. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

There is no such thing as a non-smoke. There are only a handful of women he knows, and there are not many people around him. Even if you want to find someone, it is difficult.

Thinking about it, the non-smoke eyes are fragrant, and the nightingales that are accompanying the adults to basking in the sun, his heart suddenly moved to the side of the nightingale.

The nightingale was on the edge of the flowerbed, and the rounded mouse was lying on her shoulder. Her hands were not idle, not for the adults to scratch their belly, or to lick the ears of the **** rabbit.

"Night." Non-smoke suddenly.

"Ah?" The night turned back and looked at the non-smoke that was smiling, and the eyes were full of doubts.

"Non-smoke son? Is there anything?"

"Cough, I have something to ask you." Non-flue.

"Please say." The nightingale stood up, especially looking at non-smoke.

"That... what kind of man does a woman like?" The non-smoke words are said, and the face is red.

The night fell.

"I...just like, what kind of man do you like?" Non-smoke is awkward, this topic... is really a bit shame!

The nightingale looked at the non-smoke, and did not say anything for a while.

Just when non-smoke felt like a wrong person, a voice suddenly passed into the non-smoke ear.

"When you ask such a question about the nightingale, you are not afraid of killing you at night?" Jun entered the backyard without any evil. He just heard the problem of non-smoke, and suddenly he was speechless.

The nightingale and the night are the members of the refining soul family. They are born with a double soul. It is impossible to separate them in this life. It is only a nightmare temper. I am afraid that no foreigner will be allowed to touch the night owl. Otherwise, it will be dyed. The nightingale is equal to the disguise of him...

The night can definitely get off the knife and unload the man.

If this is a non-smoking question, if you change someone else, it is estimated that the night singer has already rushed out to kill the person.

"..." is not a smoky eye.

"Little evil spirits..."

"You are tangled with small things?" Jun looked helplessly and looked at non-smoke.

Non-smoke nodded, looking forward to seeing Jun innocent: "Little evil, can you help me?"

Jun is insane and very straight...


"..." The non-smoke face is like a frosted eggplant.

"Ah!" The nightingale suddenly whispered.

Non-smoke is a spirit, I am afraid that I will be alone in the night to find my own account, he really can't beat the night alone!

The nightingale is like a real encounter, and seriously looks at the non-flue: "The nightingale likes a man like a son."

"..." The non-smoke momentary stunned.

The nightingale is like answering questions from his own, but... the delay of this reaction arc is too high.

"If it's like that, I like it too." The non-smoke snorted, but when the words just landed, he suddenly realized some problems. He looked at the night and said: "Cough, nightingale, although I know My family is very small, but you have to understand one thing. If it is a woman, although she likes to wear men's clothes on weekdays, she is a woman, so... you seem to like the wrong person."

If this is not the nightingale, change the others, non-smoking feel that they can fight the other side for three hundred rounds.

But the nightingale was confused and looked at the non-flue: "Rong Ruo Gong, not a woman."

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