Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2686: Soldiers will block 2

"Can you stay with me?" Jun looked at the innocent smile.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

Jun no evil looked at him, Meifeng slightly picked.

"Dragon Xuancheng is not qualified to let you shoot."

Jun had no remedy for a slight glimpse, and then suddenly chuckled, and pulled the sinless into the arms, so that he was born.

Qiao Chu and others are very acquainted with the choice of time to be quiet.

The little evil child said that there is enough arrogance, but ... is indeed the truth. If a small dragon Xuancheng must have no medicine to personally come out, the experience of the little evil child in these years is not in vain? !

Everything in the Sea Spirit City is ready, and they are not guilty. They also took time to let the night cook down a kitchen. After eating a delicious meal, Jun Nothing changed the body of Yan Hai, and the red makeup became a man. body.

Just as Jun had no expectation, when the heavy mountain stepped into the sea soul city, only seven or eight guards were followed, including the many deaths that came to the sea soul city.

From the first time when the heavy mountain stepped into the sea soul city, their every move was already stared at by the night, but they did not know it.

"The sea soul city is different from the previous one." The heavy mountain walked on the street of the sea soul city, and the sharp eyes swept through the streets and alleys of the sea soul city. He became the host of the sea spirit city in the Yanwan. I have been to the Sea Soul City. I still remember that there is a stench in the sea spirit city. It is dirty everywhere. It is an extremely poor city.

However, after many years, the heavy mountain once again came to the sea soul city, but surprisingly, everything in the sea soul city is different.

The messy streets have been cleaned up, the disgusting **** smell has disappeared without a trace, leaving only the refreshing breath of the sea breeze, the people in the city are not as daunted as in memory. One by one tall and straight, the expression is indifferent, no screaming noise, quiet is somewhat surprising.

If it is not in the city, the city tower is clearly engraved with the three characters of "Sea Soul City", and the heavy mountain really wants to think that he has come to the wrong place.

I didn’t come to the Sea Spirit City before Xu’s death. Naturally, I didn’t have this feeling. I could only be attached to it.

When he came across the mountain, he always felt that the change of the sea soul city was too big, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that all this was the kind of magical medicine, and his desire for the medicine was even stronger.

Even the sea spirit city that is so unbearable can be so refreshed with the help of the medicinal medicine. If it is replaced by their dragon Xuancheng, then the change will be even more amazing!

All the way to think, the heavy mountain and other people came to the outside of the city of the sea soul city, Xu Yan was diligently knocked on the door of the city government.

Soon the gate of the city's main government was opened, and the nightingale, pretending to be the butler, stood in front of the door and looked at the death outside the door. The face was a surprise.

"How did you come back?"

Xu Xing looked at the nightingale, but there was a sneer in his heart. Before the return of the innocent, the sea soul city had no respect for him, but the little boy who had just become a city owner met for the first time. When he was let him suffer from internal injuries, he also said that he had fallen into such a big face. Now he is returning with Miaozhong Mountain, one is to face in front of Miaozhong Mountain, and the other is to give Jun without evil. Look at the little color of the kid.

Therefore, Xu’s attitude is also arrogant.

"Tell you the city owner, we are coming to the city of Long Xuancheng, let her prepare for it!"


The ten chapters are completed and the eight chapters of today are continued.

[No responsibility small theater]

Some North: Sir Alex, the students all said that Zheng Weizhen’s children would look at the little evil spirits. What do you say swollen?

Sir Alex: Who?

A North: A sister who just appeared!

Sir Alex: She will soon leave.

A North: People just appeared! What do you want to do to her! The drama of others is very important!

Sir Alex: Oh.

A certain North: Do not be spicy and willful.

Non-smoke: You shouldn't tell Sir Alex, aren't you forcing the sister to die?

Some North: You go!

Qiao Chu: Saying... There is a female match in the general article. Do readers think that they will look at the male master? The first reaction of your readers for the day and night is to think that it is a small evil. It’s tricky!

Some North: You are leaving too! !

Non-smoke: Counting the females in the night and half of the text, but those who are positive and have high appearance rates are generally the harem of the little evil spirits, so...

Qiao Chu: Ah, I think Xiaoruo and Xiaozizi are very pure.

Non-smoke: That's because she and I are not pure, so we don't need to be pure with the evil spirits.

Rong Ruo: Shut up.

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