Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2705: Who beats whose face 7

The red blood stained Joe Chu and they had never been so happy for a long time, so that the blood of their hearts was almost boiling...

"Come on! Go on!" Qiao Chu stood on a pile of corpses, snarling at the soldiers who were scared by the dragons. He only had a pair of fists, and he had already hit the other side, and he was clenched on the fists. The viscous blood drip dribbled down the ganglion, but the blood did not belong to him. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

That roar, scared the dragon Xuancheng disciples to be scared, they have never seen such a simple and rude opponent, looking for a ferocious, fist to the meat can not describe the strength of Qiao Chu double fist, that punch can be an adult man's chest The brute force of piercing is simply unbelievable.

Compared with Qiao Chu's simple and rude, the killing of the flower buds is elegant and calm, killing hundreds of enemies, but the body has not been stained with blood. He broke a soldier from the dragon Xuancheng and looked up. To the innocent in the fierce battle between the mountains and the mountains, there is a smile on the bottom of his eyes.

In the eyes of others, the heavy mountains and the innocent are almost equal to each other, but they have fallen slightly.

However, in fact, the power of the innocent even one tenth is not used, and the strength she is showing now is just the tip of the iceberg.

If the true strength of Jun's innocence is exposed, it is said that the mountain is not up to the present, and I am afraid that I will die in the moment of fighting with the innocent.

However, what Jun is not wanting is not spikes, but to expand things. This hides most of the power. With only a few random moves, it still kills the mountains.

This is the gap between the heavy mountains and the innocent, just like the difference between clouds and mud.

Poorly and heavy mountain is still struggling, but I don’t know that he is just a **** in the hands of the innocent. The reason why he can support him now is not because of his power, but because he can release water, otherwise he even No finger can be compared to the innocent!

The imposing Dragon Xuancheng army, in an instant, was struggling to kill them. They did not think of the sea spirit city that was never seen by anyone. It was such a terrible fighting power.

Whether it’s a nightingale that used to smash the head of Jinling’s peak with just one stroke, it’s still the night and the ghost army that is comparable to killing the gods, or the monks who are fighting the mountains and the mountains. Far from the cognition of everyone in Long Xuancheng.

The sea spirit city, which can easily be crushed in their minds, has become a nightmare in the hearts of all of them.

More and more dragon Xuancheng soldiers fell down, and the disgusting **** smell filled their noses. There were countless corpses all over the place. There were countless broken limbs and broken limbs everywhere. The land under the feet is stained with blood red.

A whole piece of Shura hell.

The soldiers of Long Xuancheng were afraid, and the shadow of death was shrouded in the hearts of each of them. Under the great horror, they had lost all their will to fight, and they lost their helmets and sighed and ran away, only hating. My aunt didn't give them more than one foot, so I could run faster.

However, there is no room for manoeuvre, and the escape at this moment can only add to their death.

They sold their backs to the night, and they fell one after another. At the moment of death, the soldiers of Long Xuancheng could not accept it...

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