Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2711: Smart people's cooperation 2

"Then I only need a letter, so that this effect can be magnified, and the prestige of Guanyuecheng will make the seventy-two cities more sure of the authenticity of this matter. Bayi Chinese W≈W≥W≥ .≈81ZW.COM" Zheng Weiyi looked at Jun innocently, and the hand hanging on his side was already quietly clenched.

She is betting that she will need her help if she is gambling.

Jun Wuzhen looked at Zheng Weizhen. In fact, her plan has already been carried out. Even without the help of Zheng Weizhen, the soldiers who escaped from Long Xuancheng will spread the news, but with Zheng Wei’s words, the degree will be faster. And Zheng Wei's identity will also have some use.

"Yes, but I want more than just spreading this news. I want you to cooperate with me and provoke the war in the 72 cities. Are you willing?" Innocent, the message is just the beginning, she wants It is to climb to a high enough position to find your father in the shortest possible time!

Zheng Weizhen slightly stunned, and the words of the innocent made her realize that the purpose of the innocent is only more terrible than she imagined.

But the opportunity for freedom is only once.

"I promise you, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!" Zheng Weiqi has too few chips in her hands, she must use the only remaining chips to fight once!

"Good." Jun nodded and nodded, and the cooperation between the two people was reached.

“The city owner of Guanyuecheng sent me to Long Xuancheng. I tried to draw Long Xuancheng in a marriage. Now that you have destroyed Long Xuancheng, I don’t even want to stay. Zheng Zheng does not. Will let me leave this piece of chess, even if it is not Long Xuancheng, he will send me to other cities, so I hope that the city owner can help me avoid a layer of worry." Zheng Weiwei looked at the innocent, this is She stepped on the first step of freedom and she didn't want to give up.

As long as Zheng Zheng’s plan has not been abandoned, Zheng Weizhen is a chess piece at his disposal.

There are not enough places to help the innocent.

"What do you want?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows.

"The things of Long Xuancheng will soon be spread out, and the status of Haishen City will change. I hope that the city owner can propose to Zheng Zheng and intend to marry me, so Zheng Zheng will also want to get the sea soul city. The prescription agreed." Zheng Weizhen said his intentions in his heart, only in this way can Zheng Zheng be at the mercy of her marriage.

Zheng Weizhen did not notice that when she said this, the nighting face standing on the side was dark.

Hey, this Zheng Weizhen looks very smart. How can he say such a shocking word?

If this is known to Sir Alex, I can’t smash her.

The innocent brow wrinkled, and apparently realized that his identity is different from the past.

Zheng Weizhen saw a hint of resistance on the face of the innocent, and quickly said: "Please ask the owner of the city to rest assured that I am only free, there is no greed for the position of the wife of the city, you and I only need to play on the scene, each need, just one No name."

Jun Wei looked at Zheng Weizhen. As far as the current situation is concerned, Zheng Weizhen’s proposal is the most secure, only...

"No." Jun no evil cold channel.

Zheng Weizhen gave a slight glimpse. As far as this matter is concerned, the only thing that may be lost by reputation is her, and Jun’s innocence can be said to be nothing but a harm. She thought that no evil would promise without hesitation, but she did not expect it. Jun immortality turned out to be rejected without thinking.

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