Nangong Lie has just improved a bit. As a result, the effort of a little while has fallen down. For a while, many doctors have been busy with their hands and feet. The tigers and others have also been shocked. If Nangong Lie is really doing something, they can They had to eat and walk around, and a group of people immediately went up and asked for help. Eight? One Chinese W (one) WW. 81ZW. COM

However, Jun No Evil was left aside, and his hands were ringing his chest and he looked at Nan Gonglie, who was scared again.

Even if it is changed, but the sixth sense of people's natural, they can make them feel a lot of things, just like the current Nangong Lie.

6 The **** doctors suspected that they were in a hurry and immediately rushed them out.

Because the identity of the six **** doctors is not low, except for the one on the side of the Lord, among the upper three circles, the medical skills of the six **** doctors are the highest, so even if they have a big dissatisfaction, they will not dare to have a 6-magic doctor. The face can only be rolled out.

They still wanted to use the things that Nangong Lie was sick to give some ugly things to the innocent. As a result, I didn't expect that it was too late to give it, and Nangong Lie fell again.

However, this is not the case with Nangong Lie.

"Yan Hai, this is the sea soul city you manage? Nangong adults have just come here and become ill. It shows how chaotic you are in the sea spirit city. The food, clothing and accommodation provided on weekdays are only afraid of not doing enough. This is Your attitude?" Guan Hu squinted and looked at the side of the innocent, the sea spirit city master is not very old, but the look of the deputy is not so shocking, but they are very annoyed.

Jun no evil looked up at Guanhu, Nangong Lie’s illness was a heart disease, even 6 **** doctors had already opened their mouths, but Guanhu still buckled this matter on the innocent head, and made it clear that he wanted to find it. No troubles.

In the eyes of the innocent, there was a hint of coldness. She took a step forward and looked at Guanhu and others. Her heart suddenly disappeared with their interest. She suddenly lifted her foot and walked toward the exit of the yard.

The tube tiger and other people who had just prepared to borrow the title wave, so they looked at the innocent head and did not return, and suddenly looked ugly to the extreme.

This kid is too arrogant too!

"Hey! Stinky boy, Lao Tzu talking to you, you heard no!" The tiger slammed and slammed up, and reached out to grab the innocent shoulder.

However, at the moment when Guan Hu’s hand had just fallen, the innocent figure suddenly turned into a white light disappearing from the front of the tiger.

This sudden change made Muen and others look silly. When they realized that they had something, a white light swept to the tiger, and the body of the tiger was beaten in an instant. Fly out!

Between the tiger and the tiger fell heavily on the ground, twitching want to get up, but the mouth violently vomited a blood, vaguely mixed with a few white teeth mixed with blood dropped to the ground.

In the place where Guan Hu’s talents stood, the innocent figure appeared suddenly, but all the temperatures had faded in those eyes. When looking at the tube tiger, there was a fascination!

This scene has made all the people stunned. What kind of strength is the management of the tiger? They are very clear. Even if it is not the level of the top ten city owners, it is also the top player in the city. However, it is such a powerful tube tiger. The seemingly weak and windless kid is flying?

How can this be?


Tomorrow's plane will return to China. After returning, it will start to finish the full text. It is expected that the 9.1o month will end. This period is unstable because of the business trip and the closing of some of the cards. It will stabilize as soon as possible after returning to China. Finally, 2, 3 In the month, the book is almost finished, what?

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