Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2750: Dark clouds cover 3

The words of the Scorpio City Lord let South Palace Flame calm down a bit. The White Night City has been moving frequently. It is impossible for him to join forces with other four cities to send troops. The White Night City will find opportunities to bring people to kill. It is really difficult to get there. confrontation. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

"Do you say that this thing will be done in vain? He hasn't had any movements before. Isn't he already privately contacted the little **** in the sea spirit city, deliberately designing us?" Nangong Yan frowned.

Bailu is the master of the White Night City. It is a famous smiling tiger in the 72nd city. It is best at doing things that are not worthy of death. Nangongyan will think so and there is no reason.

After all, let him believe that it is really unacceptable for him to really eat the five-city army with a sea spirit city alone.

"I think this possibility is great. Otherwise, the sea soul city is eating a bear heart and a leopard, and dare to provoke us so much? Eighty percent of them have a white slap in the back, and they are waiting to stir up our anger. The sea soul city, but our city is empty, he can start to attack." Tianzhu City City nodded and nodded, the more you think the more likely.

"White 竺 王 王 , , 真 真 真 真 真 真 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南!

The white baboon far away from a thousand miles had a sneeze, and he did not know that he was inexplicable, and he had a black pot for the innocent. At the same time, the people of the five cities had smashed the ancestors for eighteen generations.

In fact, this time, Bai Hao is really innocent. He didn’t want to hang them in Nangong, but he never had a chance. He had paid attention to Hai Hing City, but he didn’t care until he heard the news. After the sea soul city ate the army of the five cities, he only faced this problem.

Immediately send someone to go to the Sea Soul City to find a matter of discussion and cooperation.

The style of Bai Yu and the tough hegemony of Nangong Yan are completely different. It seems to be gentle, but it is very purposeful. He is not in the eyes of a small sea spirit city. Even if there is anything against him, he is not Then, on the heart, but the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since the sea spirit city and the Nangong flame tore the face, the white scorpion does not mind 捡 such a cheap.

Anything that can make Nangongyan disgusting, he is willing to take a step.

The innocent foot of the predecessor only cleaned the people of the Five Cities, and the messenger of the White Night City of the hind foot rushed to the outside of the Sea Spirit City with a dozen car gifts.

Compared with the arrogance of the five-city army, the team in White Night City is much more lovely.

The leader is a pretty girl, even before she entered the city, she was clever and polite. There was no pride and arrogance in the first big city.

Jun has no intention to put them in, just like the team of the Five Cities, they have not seen them for a few days, but the people in White Night City are not dissatisfied, but they say that they can wait, they are not in a hurry. .

There is nothing to go out on weekdays, that is, to drink tea and flowers in the yard, and to treat the people at night is also polite, there is no shelf.

The entire White Night City team is only a dozen people this time. It doesn't look like it is going to declare war.

After five days, Jun No Evil, I promised to see the team in the White Night City. The girl in the White Night City immediately excitedly encouraged her companions to take the initiative and go to the city hall to meet the innocent...


I finally returned to the embrace of the great motherland, and it was so good that there was no good mother’s embrace.

I brought a gift to everyone~ In the commentary area within three days, I will randomly select a few to get mystery gifts~ Everyone is active, what? ~ Winners I will reply to the winning information below your post, remember to pay attention Look 哟~

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