Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2758: Hero Banquet 8

The sea spirit city suddenly has a strong, discouraged, and curious. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

After the city owners entered the city, they did not dare to check it out. They only had to bring their own talents around the city to find clues, try to stuff the money, and see if they could put something out of the mouth of the sea soul city.

This kind of thing, Jun Wuxie was already known on the first day, but she did not have any reaction to this. Instead, she issued an order, but anyone with seventy-two cities had the intention of saving money to the night. The night members should have accepted them all and sold them some news about the drug.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that only the innocent can do this kind of thing.

Ever since, the people of the seventy-two cities are in the night, and the night is rich overnight!

This makes the ghost comrades who have been hiding in the dark, depressed and vomiting blood, can not wait to change with the night, so that they also enjoy the acidity of accepting bribes.

The Dongfang 堀 是 是 时 时 时 时 时 时 时 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀 堀In particular, when they saw the gift from the East and the other, they gave them a gift of no evil. They were already crying and began to wonder if they were going to hug their thighs.

After waiting for a few days, everything in the sea spirit city was stable, except for the spies of the seventy-two cities who jumped up and down.

A few days later, the five cities with White Night City arrived. Later, two days later, the city of Flame City and other people also rushed over, and the seventy-two city owners gathered here.

However, when all the top ten cities entered the city, the atmosphere in the sea soul city became a bit subtle.

The top ten cities are divided into two factions. They have been fighting for many years. There are also many supporters in other cities. When the two sides arrive, they can often see the enemy camps in the streets of the sea soul city. The scene is on the street. When you come to me, I opened the mouth gun mode, and I tried to kill each other one by one, but there was no bloodshed.

only because……

Jun has no notice, no one can fight in the sea soul city, damage the assets of any sea soul city, will be 100 times compensation.

As a result, although there were four smokes on both sides, they did not come out with Mars.

As the seventy-two cities arrived, the heroic feast was about to begin. On the night of the heroic feast, Jun Wuji directly hosted a banquet in the city government, inviting the city owners of other cities to feast, but only the city owners were allowed to attend the feast. What kind of deputy city owner, entourage, and guardian, how far is it to go, but if there is any mismatch, welcome to go right and go slowly.

For the one that Jun Wuxie proposed, there is a demanding requirement. Many city owners have dissatisfaction, but the top ten cities are unexpectedly quiet. Even Nangongyan, which has always been high-profile, has not expressed any objection, but it is very cooperative.

The top ten cities are silent, and other city owners can only recognize it.

On that night, the main city of Haishen City was brightly lit. The city owners were all banquets. The soldiers of a team sent their owners to the door, and they stood still. The banquet had not yet begun. It is the soldiers who have been escorted to the city by the cities. There are already thousands of soldiers, and the outside places are crowded with water, and there is a hint of gunpowder.

Inside the city's main house, it is another scene. The melodious music is accompanied by the moonlight, and the wine is stirring the night wind into the nose.


The end time is September, about 1 month.

For a long time, I didn’t ask for a monthly ticket. Pro, let’s come to the monthly ticket. At the end of the month, you don’t have to clear it, you waste more, what?

The award-winning small classmates talked about my address quickly. I will continue to draw prizes in the comment area tomorrow afternoon and evening. Everyone is active.

Finally, I recommend a book of friends, "The Emperor is ridden: Miss Shenjiu"

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