Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2783: Coming to 4 for a monthly ticket

"No.? Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight).? 8 (one) 1? Z? W (one).? COM" Jun no evil shook his head.

"No?" Zheng Wei was dumbfounded.

Jun No Evil has neither prepared for war nor planned to fight, which is totally different from Zheng Weizhen’s previous speculation.

Is it really true that you are not going to give up?

Zheng Wei's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, she was really inaccurate, and Jun Wu did not want to do anything.

"Two Joes who are they?" Jun Wuxie suddenly said.

"It is already on the wall." Zheng Wei said.

Jun nodded and nodded. He didn’t say anything more. He walked away from the city.

On the wall of the Sea Soul City, Qiao Chu and others had already boarded the wall early in the morning, standing on the wall with a group of soldiers at night.

The battles on both sides have not yet been opened, but they are already buzzing...

"When the sea turtles of the sea soul city are still ready to hide? I really thought that they would be able to hide in the turtle shell?" The coalition army yelled at the outside.

And the walls...

"Hide your grandmother's leg! You have the ability to come in!" Joe Chu stepped on the stone of the city wall, pointing to the army not far away.

For a time, the battle between the two sides continued, and Qiao Chu used the power of one person to fight against Confucianism, and he and the other side had a win-win situation.

Hua Yu and others stood silently on the side, watching Joe Chu open the "big kill special kill" mode, this moment, they realized that Qiao Chu is not only powerful, this swearing effort is also one finger!

Didn't see the two people in the opposite camp who had been vomiting blood?

Qiao Chu’s sorrowful joy here, Jun’s innocence suddenly appeared behind him and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I haven't been jealous yet..." Qiao Chu thought it was a flower. They couldn't listen to it. As a result, they turned around and looked at it, but now they are standing behind him, and they are honest.

"Small... little evil man... are you here?"

"What are you doing?" Jun looked at Qiao Chu.

Qiao Chu grabbed his head and said: "That... don't you let us go out of town to fight? Those guys are too embarrassed, so I want to teach them to be human, just say a few words... say a few words..." Qiao Chu looked seriously at the innocent.

As everyone knows, non-smoke people on the side have already turned over a dozen eyes.

What did he say a few words?

It’s just a greeting to the ancestors of the 18th generation!

Jun Wuxie glanced at Qiao Chu, and he was somewhat guilty of seeing Joe Chu, and had to transfer the topic.

"That... what are we going to do now? I think the fire on the opposite side is already very big. If you can't hold it for a while, you have to fight. Are we still guarding this?"

"No." Jun no evil shook his head.

Qiao Chu’s eyes lit up.

This is to fight!

"I am going to fight." Jun is innocent.

"What do you mean?" Joe Chu did not understand at the time.

The face of the flower buds and others changed slightly, and there was a slight glimpse of something wrong.

However, there is no more explanation for them, and the toes are slightly on the ground. Her figure is turned into a streamer, and it flies from the wall!

Some of the generals who were still confronting Qiao Chu suddenly saw a light and shadow flying down the wall of the Sea Spirit City. Their eyes were shocked and they were fixed.

But see...

A slender figure is standing alone in front of the closed door of the sea soul city, but in front of her, it is the alliance army of more than two million in the city of seventy-two! !


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[question for monthly ticket]

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