Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2786: Million Master 3

For a few generals, they frowned slightly. I don’t know why. For the innocent and gentle look, they have an indescribable sense of disgust. What they want is not her calmness, not her calmness. Instead, I want to see the innocent of the innocent in the face of a million male teachers, screaming for mercy. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

It is a pity that the innocent people have never let them do so.

Her eyes always give them an illusion, as if ... they are about to be killed, they are also in the dead.

This feeling of violation makes them very uncomfortable!

"What? You are not impatient, so eager to die? Cherish all that you have heard now, because it will not be long before you become a dead person, even if we are jealous of you, you It is also a word that can't be heard, and can't be seen at a glance..." A general sneer, and the innocent face of Jun has always given him an impulse to break it.

"Ha ha ha." A group of people are laughing, no tribute to the opponent, completely cruel and disdain.

Jun no evil slowly raised his eyes and looked at the general who was the first to scream, and the next second, her figure disappeared in the same place!

Several generals were the first to detect the innocent shots, and they immediately stopped laughing!

"Good boy, is it really eager to rush to reincarnation? That Laozi will be yours!" The general screamed arrogantly.

However, his words had just been exported, but there was a strange sense of coldness in his neck. He raised his hand and tried to touch his neck, but the fingertips touched it, but it was not the coldness expected. A sticky and warm touch...


The harsh sound of the water pierced the eardrums of the people. The glare of the blood was dripping, and a little warm and sticky liquid dripped on the faces and hands of the soldiers. They turned their heads subconsciously, but they looked at them. To...

The general who was still arguing against the innocent people had already become a headless dead body. The head was mixed with dirt and blood and fell on the horseshoe. His body was sitting on the horse's back straight. The smeared neck sprayed a large expanse of blood and rushed to the sky for a few meters!

"Which...the situation..." Another general who was close to the general, because of the close distance, the blood that had been sprayed, and the blood of the rest of the room, the whole body, and a face seemed to fall. The dyed red blood of the tank, his eyes widened in the blood, he was the dead, but half a meter away, but until the moment when the blood splashed on him, he realized that the people around him ,already dead!

When he was born, he was completely unaware!

Death, coming so suddenly, quickly caught off guard.

No one noticed when Jun was not close, and when did he wipe the head of the general, and when they returned to the sea and looked outside the sea soul city, they disappeared instantly. Evil, actually stood back in her original position, her silver light armor has not been stained with a little blood, but her hand, in the hands of the long sword with the ray of light, but condensed Fresh blood beads.

The demon red, in the sun, is so beautiful that people are scared!

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