Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2791: Double Ring 2

Double spirit ring! !

At the forefront of the team, the seventy-two city generals and the soldiers, in the moment of seeing the two spirits of the hands of the innocent hands, completely dumbfounded. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

Almost all the generals tightened the reins in the first place, and the blood on their faces faded in an instant!

How can it be!

Among the three realms, how can anyone still have a double spirit ring!

The huge shock spread in everyone's heart, but the impact is too fast, and the soldiers and the generals who are closest to the innocent are too late to retreat!

In an instant, Jun Wu will completely release the spiritual ring of his hands, and the moment when the blue light and the green light are interlaced, the light shines on the entire battlefield!

At the moment when the light shines out, everyone who rushes to the front of the innocent is shrouded in the light of the two groups. The glare of the light makes people unable to open their eyes.

After the fading of the light faded, the range of 100 meters around Jun Wuxie was actually smashed out of a **** land! !

Tens of thousands of people, in an instant, turned into a large piece of blood and meat sauce filled with the land in front of the innocent!

Throughout the battlefield, at this moment, a piece of Shura **** was formed. Within a hundred meters of the innocent body, only the demon redness, the full spread was spread over a piece of soil, as if spreading from her feet to the place. Bloody flower.

The army of the seventy-two cities stopped all actions at this moment, and everyone’s eyes were staring at the Shura **** that destroyed tens of thousands of people.

In that bloody, only one person, Enron is independent, the silver light armor, which is particularly embarrassing under the sunshine, but seems to carry a cold, into the bone marrow of everyone.

Among the three realms, the only one who is the highest, he dominates the entire upper three worlds, and has absolutely powerful power. No one can match it from ancient times to the present.

On the Lord, the supreme powerhouse in the hearts of all the people in the upper three worlds is also the only one of the three realms with a double spirit ring!

This belief has always existed in the mind of no one.

In addition to being independent, there are countless geniuses in the upper three circles, but no one can have the ultimate strength.

But now, the double spirit ring in the hands of the innocent, but the cognition of everyone in the three worlds, smashed at this moment!

On the battlefield where the million males are located, it is enough to let everyone hear their heartbeat. The strong **** smell covers everyone's breath at this moment. The rich, disgusting **** smell is full of air. Every corner of the scene makes people feel like they are in the blood pool and cannot escape.

"Double... Double Rings... How could it be..." A group of generals behind the army stunned and looked at the two smudges. They almost thought that what they saw was an illusion, but it was slaughtered. The blood pool created by the tens of thousands of people is in front of their eyes, dense and bloody, covering every corner of their sight.

Millions of heroes, tens of thousands of strikers, but can not stop the innocent blow!

What a hegemonic power, and what a terrible horror?

At this moment, the hearts of all the soldiers in the seventy-two cities were covered by a strong fear.

How did they fight this battle?

How can I play?

Even in the face of a powerful spiritual ring, they dare to rely on the number to compete with them, but ... they are not facing a single spiritual ring, but a true double spiritual ring!

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