Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 808: Windfall 1

Innocent stood in front of the Thunder and looked at the numbness of the Thunder. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

"What is your name?"

"Thunder." Thunder slugged open his mouth, no expression on his face, but the sound in his mouth was incomparably clear.

Aside from the side of Qiao Chu, the eyes of Ba Ba, suddenly felt that the situation of the Thunder is very strange.

"The effect of this medicinal medicine is a bit fierce. If you encounter such a situation in the future, let the little evil child directly give the person a medicinal medicine. Is there anything wrong with it?" Qiao Chu used his shoulder to top the side. The flower buds, the small channel.

The flowers look at the Thunder without squinting, whispering: "Some things, not everyone can use."

Joe Chu shrugged and did not say anything.

Under the faint candlelight, the Thunder sat quietly in the chair, and he asked what he said.

Jun No Evil continuously asked three simple questions, confirming that the efficacy of the drug has been done on the Thunder, she only slightly picked up her eyes, cold voice: "You have been in contact with people in the Central Three Kingdoms?"

The Thunder, who had been honestly answering it, suddenly seemed to be stunned, and there was a struggling look on the expressionless face.

In the heart of the innocent heart, she let the Thunder take the medicine, which is a medicine that can paralyze the nerves and consciousness of the other party. This medicine will only have an effect when stimulated by a large amount of alcohol. She is still the first after the rebirth. The second use, but it was often used in the organization before, and the Thunder's reaction has raised a strange feeling in the heart of the innocent.

In this case, it is impossible for the Thunder to have any expression, because now his brain has been paralyzed and the nerves cannot transmit any emotions.

" can't you talk?" Joe Chu was waiting for the Thunder to reveal the truth, but this was just the key place, but suddenly stuck.

The innocent brow wrinkled slightly, and his eyes were locked in the tangled face of the Thunder.

"Is there something wrong?" Vatican’s ignorance of the innocent, immediately whispered.

Jun is innocent: "It's a bit wrong."

"Is it wrong?"

Innocent bite bite lip film: "Unless he had received special training before, this time, I asked what he would answer, it should not be hesitant." She has seen some experience in past lives. Those who are anti-hypnosis training, those who have strong immunity and resistance to this kind of psychotropic drugs, can not achieve true hypnosis effect by her previous medicinal herbs.

However, Jun has never been born again for so long. He has never seen any record of hypnosis in this world. If there is not such a thing, how could the Thunder experience such training?

Jun Wu thought for a moment, then changed a way, and reopened: "Before you sent a team of people, went to the end of the world."

When the innocent question was spoken, the entanglement on the Thunder’s face dissipated in an instant, and he resumed his previous numb expression, and he almost did not hesitate to say: “Yes.”

"You gave them a map. Where did you put the original map?"

"There was no original, the map was intercepted by my father's guard." There was no such thing as a slight numbness on the face of the Thunder, but what he said, but everyone in the room was stunned.

Is the map not in the hands of the Thunder? What's happening here!

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