Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 832: Sorry, it’s my turn. 7

Among the imperial city of the Imperial City, sitting in the current sanctuary of the royal study, the black man in front of his desk looked at the black man who was squatting at his desk. His gloomy face was warm and angry. He held the news that he had just sent. The above clearly records the change of the winds of the rumors in the imperial capital in one day today. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

"This thing, you will do it! Hmmm?" The emperor blinked, and the stacker put the stack of paper on the black man's face!

The black man was squatting on the ground and did not dare to have a refutation of the words.

"Well, let you do it, but you give it to this? What is this? What? Why is the disciple of Huayuan College going to participate in the Doosing Congress? The one called Junxie is the strength of Green Spirit, this is not Clearly telling others, the previous rumors are jokes? This thing is nothing but a slap in the face, but what did you do with this idiot? Even let the disciples of the Huayuan College escape to the street gibberish! You are afraid Oh, it’s not enough, it’s not enough! It’s not necessary to make this happen! Let everyone know that someone is deliberately discrediting the Prince!” The emperor sat in a chair, his chest was violently undulating with anger, a pair The eyes are already congested, and the black man who squats on the ground is stunned.

The black man was stiff and his head was lower.

"This is a mistake of the job. I didn't think that the disciples of the Huayuan Academy would be so unbelief. The job has sent people to trace the whereabouts of Zhao Xun. If he finds it, he will regret it."

After Zhao Xun’s big trouble in the Imperial Capital today, he disappeared out of thin air. In order to arrest Zhao Xun, they deliberately went to the restaurant where the Huayuan College was located, but until late at night, they did not see Zhao Xun’s figure. They can only secretly send people to look for Zhao Xun's trace in the Imperial Capital, but this Zhao Xun is like a steamed person in the world, looking for the entire Emperor can not see his shadow.

"Be sure to find that Zhao Xun!" The emperor blinked and forced the anger in his heart. "In addition, this matter can no longer be continued. The strength of the evil spirits has already been exposed. If it continues, it will only be a joke. No one will believe in a green spirit and will need the help of the Thunder."

The emperor's brain was finally awake. Fenghua College was in the limelight during this period of time. He did not hear it, but he did not expect that the youngest of the Fenghua Academy's contestants was so horrible.

"Yes!" The black man should arrive.

The emperor took a deep breath. "The situation of Fenghua College is somewhat unexpected. The Prince has made good friends with them. Since they can no longer use the people of Fenghua College to do anything, then these talented teenagers, Also, when you can gather it." The emperor paused, his face anger disappeared, and his mouth raised a smile that was kind.

"Where the child has been boring in the palace recently, it is time to go out and move around. With this fight, he can also get in touch with the elites in the various colleges. In the future, maybe you can pick a few excellent people, guarding By his side."

When referring to the four emperors, the emperor's eyes became significantly more gentle.

"There is something about His Royal Highness..." The black man cautiously said.

The emperor's brow immediately wrinkled. "Sometimes converge, wait until the last ten people of the Dou Ling Conference are selected and then continue. Now that you have these things, if you start with him, it will inevitably cause suspicions."

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