Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 835: Four Princes 2

Lei Fan has been living in the palace, rarely going out, even if it is out of the palace, the trip is the same as today. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

Jun innocent hands around the chest, so I looked at Lei Fan, who suddenly appeared in the contest. Since the beginning of the Fighting Spirit Conference, the four emperors have never been exposed. Even the Thunder held a feast and invited. All the contestants, Lei Fan did not arrive, and his appearance today is really surprising.

The man in charge of the first theater immediately greeted him. Everyone knows how much the emperor loved the four emperors. Even these princes are even better than today's princes!

"I don't know if the four emperors are driving, there is a long way to meet, but also forgiveness!" The man snarled.

Lei Fan’s natural smile was slightly lifted, but he did not see the slightest dissatisfaction, but he was like a child-like innocence. “I don’t have to be a gift for adults. I just came to see it. The adults please let everyone continue, don’t worry about me.”

The man nodded again and again.

Lei Fan’s feeling is completely different from that of the Thunder.

The image of the modest gentleman deliberately created by the Thunder is always close to people, but it does not always make people forget his identity. However, this Leifan is no different from a normal child, and he has no intention of looking at it. The smiling face, almost subconscious, will make people forget the identity of his emperor.

Almost after Lei Fan’s opening, the tight atmosphere in the competition room was alleviated, and many people had a good impression on Lei Fan’s heart.

Lei Fan found a position in the contest, and it was a coincidence that he just sat next to Qu Lingyue.

Qu Lingyue and the Thunder are familiar with each other, plus she is the identity of Ms. Beast City, even the palace of the Yan State has also entered, and the emperor of the country is also known, seeing Lei Fan sitting Qu Ling Yue did not have any accidents.

"Ling Yue sister also wants to participate in the competition today?" Lei Fan smiled and looked at Qu Lingyue, the natural opening.

Qu Ling Yue nodded, she and Lei Fan are not familiar, but Lei Fan's appearance is not to be born, not happy.

"I am the last one, still early."

Lei Fan with his hands on his chin, squinting at the teenagers in the competition field, looks like a casual sight, but in the dark, he will look at the people in the battlefield one by one, sweeping a circle, Lei Fan did not find His own goals, he could not help but raise doubts. He turned to ask Qu Lingyue: "The father said that this year's Doingling Conference has brought many incompetent characters. I specially asked me to take a look and learn. The father said I am not too young, and I can't continue to do so, so I ran over. Lingyue sister, I heard that there is a peerless genius in this first theater, it seems to be called...Junxie? Is it? Really?"

Qu Lingyue looked at Lei Fan, Lei Fan was a little smaller than her, plus his innocent tone, she did not think much, only when he was in the palace for a long time.

"Yeah, that is the evil spirit." Qu Lingyue raised his hand and pointed at the little figure that was almost invisible after standing in the crowd.

When Lei Fan’s gaze touched the innocent figure, a strange look flashed through his eyes, and his mouth naturally raised a smile.

"Junxie seems to be about the same size as me. I am going to take the scriptures with him." Lei Fan said, he stood up from the position and walked in the direction of Jun.

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