Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 851: 绝色神医7

"Hey! The girl who took the soup with Qu Yao is on the sidelines. Even if she knows a little about the medicine, as long as she is familiar with the smell of the medicine, it is not difficult to know all of this. The girl's injury and the taking of the medicinal herbs and the soup are not secret. If someone has a heart to inquire, just ask the second floor of the restaurant to know clearly. Bayi Chinese Network W=W≠W≠ .=81ZW.COM" Li Yu doctor sneered a sneer, he did not think that there can be someone in this world in such a short period of time, just by the diagnosis of the pulse can detect a person's injury and said that the drug.

There is no anger at the innocent. For the question of Li Yu doctor, she just turned indifferently and looked at Qu Ling Yue lying in bed.

Suddenly, she bent down and slowly reached the corner of Qu Lingyue.

Jiang Yinglong, standing on the side, was shocked and immediately shouted: "What do you want to do with Lingyue?"

However, Jun was innocent but turned a deaf ear to his shouts. The little white hand was swept away in the corner of Qu Lingyue with a very quick degree. The fingertips flashed a little, and a silver needle quietly penetrated. The ear of Qu Lingyue, but at the moment of just piercing, was taken away by the innocent.

She applied the needle very quickly, and there was no one in the house who felt her move.

Jiang Yinglong has already rushed to the side of the innocent, and has seized the hand of the innocent.

"Even if you are brought by your Highness, but Ling Yue's injury is not something you can touch. If she has made a mistake, can you take responsibility for this crime?" Jiang Yinglong blinked his eyes with a trace of anger.

Jun no evil raised his eyes slightly, and the cold-eyed scorpion confronted Jiang Yinglong’s angry eyes.

The Thunder secretly squeezed a cold sweat for Jun immortality. From Li Yu’s aggressiveness to him, he already understood that I was afraid that the one in the palace had already ordered, and he was not allowed to intervene in this matter. Li Yu doctors dare to be so arrogant.

"Oh? Then I would like to ask the mentor of the Battle Flag Academy. You are so resistant to me as a girl for treatment. I don't even want me to check her injury. Isn't it afraid to miss the opportunity to treat her? There is something unexpected about the girl. I am afraid that the people of the Beast City will not easily bypass you." Jun has no faint sigh, no trace of tension on her face. She just looked at Jiang Yinglong indifferently.

Jiang Yinglong has a stiff face.

Li Yu’s doctor opened his mouth at this time. “What’s wrong with Chiang’s instructor’s concern for his disciple? Your girl’s baby is too sensational. If you can cure the girl’s injury, then we’ll be the doctor and the queen. Isn't the doctor's order a big joke? Our lifelong medical skills are even worse than you are a little girl?"

Jun is innocent but said: "Since you are a predecessor of medical skills, then even if there is any move, can you not see what clues? I just happened to get a remedy, thinking that it is just right for the girl. Injury, if you can't believe me, you can take the medicinal medicine for a closer look. If there is anything wrong with it, I can still dispose of it by you." Jun has no intention to take a white bottle containing medicinal herbs from his body. I threw it into the hands of Jiang Yinglong.

Jiang Yinglong hurriedly took over, his eyes looked a little complicated and looked at the innocent. He didn't believe that Jun could have any high medical skills, but she took out the medicine, and she didn't need medical skills to rely on it.

"Isn't Jiang's tutor not willing to try it?" Jiang Yinglong, who was hesitant in the face of Jun.

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