Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 858: Lynching 1

On the second night, Qiao Chu sneaked into the prison and saw the innocence of the prison. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

"You are really leisurely, you have to make a fuss over the outside, but you are hiding here." Looking at the innocent and safely sitting in the prison for the black cat, Mao Qi can not help but laugh.

Jun no evil raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Qiao Chudao: "What happened outside?"

"You went to Qu Lingyue with Thunder on that day. Qu Lingyue's situation was greatly improved yesterday, but her injury suddenly increased in the morning. Once again, she vomited blood in her sleep, and she was busy with a doctor. The Li Yu doctor is even more angry. He said that some of the young ladies had done the trick before they were fooled. Even the Thunder followed him for a while, and Jiang Yinglong was stupid. Now the Prince wants to visit again. However, it has been blocked by the people of the Battle Flag Academy. It seems that your behavior yesterday did not bring them any slack, but they made them more resentful to the Thunder." Qiao Chu said casually, but went forward. The non-smoke of the information was clear to the situation at the time.

The Thunder was stopped outside the door, and Li Yu’s doctor screamed in Qu Lingyue’s room. How many shocks did the innocent people bring to those people yesterday, and how much resentment they suffered today.

"Sure enough." Jun no evil moved his mouth gently, raising a sneer.

Qiao Chu looked at the innocent reaction, "You know it would be like this?"

"There is no uncertainty, but now it is certain."

"Then you are still so leisurely? Is there any uncertainty in the injury of Qu Lingyue? I am seeing this for the first time. The patient who passed your hand has repeated injuries." Qiao Chu grabbed his head.

He is very trusting in the innocent medical technique, but Qu Lingyue’s injury is also true to non-smoke.

"There is always the first time in life, no big deal." Nothing is too much reaction.

Qiao Chudao: "It is said that in the evening, the people of Wan Beast City will have to arrive at the Imperial Capital of China. When they see that Qu Lingyue is still half-dead and lying on the bed, he may directly come here to find you. You still haven't prepared yet?"

Jun no evil shook his head.

"They have no time to find my troubles."

Qiao Chu slightly stunned, it is really inaccurate.

"In any case, you have more ideas in your heart. You must remember not to let yourself be wronged. If this matter cannot be solved temporarily, then you will come out directly. You will only tell us about the latter things. You will not come out." ”

"I have my own plans." Jun has no faint opening.

Just as the two men spoke, there was a footstep in the still cell. Joe Chu immediately flew and jumped over the beam of the prison, hidden and dark.

Two jailers appeared in front of the innocent cell. They held a shackle in their hands and opened the door of the cell and walked in.

"The emperor has the will, let the monarch change a shackle, and ask the gentleman to cooperate." The jailer smiled and spoke, and it was very polite to the innocent.

The strength of the innocent green spirit is not that these little jailers can do whatever they want, so in the days after the imprisonment of the innocent, the jailers were polite to her and never dared to die. The food on weekdays is also given by convention, and everything seems to be very normal.

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