On the contrary, Li Yu, who was placed next to Qu Lingyue by the emperor, is now in an awkward position. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

Once the people of the Beast City began to interrogate, the old bones such as Li Yuji, can't be held there?

I am afraid that it will not take long before I will tell the emperor secretly instructing him.

"You don't have to worry, this thing will be dealt with." The emperor appeased and patted Lei Fan's shoulder, let him relax, and slammed a few words, let Lei Fan go back to rest.

After Lefan left, the emperor did not wrinkle and sat in the chair.

A black man appeared in the royal study room.

"What is the matter of the innocent? Is your family eating white rice? The people of Laos came to my dynasty, and you didn't even notice it!" The emperor stared blankly at the black man.

The black man was in a stiff state and swallowed the swallowing waterway: "This matter is underestimated. However, in these few days, the subordinate did not receive any news about the country, and wanted to come to the lady of the king of the country. It should be deliberately hiding identity, and this has not been seen."

"Miscellaneous things! Your current ability to do things is really getting worse and worse! The previous Zhao Xun has not been found today, and now the spurs of the King's House have come to the Yanguo Emperor!" The emperor's anger shook.

Although Laos is a small country, it can have a first mad warrior Ruilin army, but also from the Lin Wangfu, even the great lady of the Lin Wangfu would actually walk with the Thunder, this thing had to let the emperor have some trouble heart.

"I still don't look up, what is the relationship between the innocent and the prince? Is there a deal in private?"

"Yes! This is the case!"

The emperor said again: "Wait!"

"What else is your command?"

The emperor's eyes picked up slightly, and the eyes flashed a bit of vicious light.

"You can help remove a person."


"Li Yu doctor."

The black man was slightly stunned. Li Yu doctor was a royal doctor who was serving at the emperor's side. His medical skills were also top-notch in the whole country, and the emperor was most convinced of Li Yu.

But now, the emperor actually wants to kill Li Yu doctor!

"The Beast City has already doubted Qu Lingyue’s serious illness and coma. He must not let them hear any conclusive testimony from Li Yu’s mouth. Li Yu’s doctor is loyal to his loyalty, but under this day, Only the dead can truly keep secrets." The emperor's low opening.

"You have to go through the matter and you must not make any mistakes."

"Subordinate to obey!" The black man nodded again and again, and then withdrew from the royal study.

The emperor who sat alone in the royal study room sighed heavily. He always felt that after the beginning of the fight, the atmosphere of the Yanguo Emperor was somewhat wrong. It seems that there is always something that disturbs his plan in the dark.


In the immortal building, Jun was insulted, "I am not easy" to be released from prison. Qiao Chu, they took her hard to make a fool of her. When she returned to the room, it was already late at night, just preparing for a break, but she received the nightingale. The news from the palace.

"Oh? Did the emperor of the Yan State really say that?" Jun's innocent legs overlap, with one hand holding the chin, because of some sleepiness, the pair of cold and clear scorpions are less cold, more languid. .

"Yes! Does Missy need to go to save Li Yu doctor?"

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