Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 882: Palace Banquet 1

As night falls, the emperors of the country are brightly lit, and bright candlelights illuminate the bustling city under the night. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

The two carriages of Fenghua College slowly descended from the Huixian Building and went to the palace gate.

Passing through the streets, the teenagers of the various colleges that have not left in the streets frequently stopped to look around. Before the start of the Doosing Conference, no one thought of the seemingly declining Fenghua College, which would be fighting at this time. In the middle of the conference, the reputation of Fenghua College has not risen and risen, and there has been a fascination with the flag and Longxuan.

In the palace, the lights are shining, like to meet the ten talents who stood out in this fight, and there is a lot of joy everywhere.

The coaches of various colleges stopped in front of the palace gate. In addition to the Fenghua College, the top ten of the top ten, the battle flag and the Longxuan Academy each accounted for two, and the ten teenagers arrived at the gate of the palace almost simultaneously. The four teenagers of Zhanqi and Longxuan were dressed up, and they looked like they were dressed up. They stood in the night and looked up at the palace door, and the eyes were full of excitement.

However, they are six people who are innocent and still wear the costumes of Fenghua College. It seems that there is no second set of clothes except this one.

However, when the six of them appeared, the momentum of the four teenagers of Longxuan and the battle flag immediately weakened, and they dared not show a slight madness.

The strength of the six of them is the best makeup for them. They don’t need a little extra whitewashing. They are already the arrogant arrogant!

The small eunuchs in the palace led the ten people into the palace, and the country was not the biggest country. The palaces in the palaces were full of style and luxury. The four teenagers of Longxuan and the battle flag struggled with restraint. The excitement inside, but the couple's eager eyes, but did not stop for a while.

Jun Wuxie and others are calm and self-contained. Jun is no evil. It is the big lady of Lin Wangfu. For the palace, there is no fresh feeling. The palace of the Shu State is like her own back garden. I want to go shopping.

Although Qiao Chu, they have been poor for a long time, but when they were young, they grew up in the 12th Temple. The luxury of the Three Kingdoms is incomparable to the next three worlds.

Passing through most of the palaces, they finally came to the palace feast. On the banquet, they had already arranged their positions, and they did not come too early. At the banquet, some people had already sat down.

The four emperors of the Yan State were all present, and in addition, the bear tyrants of the Beast City, Feng Yue Yang, Qing Yu and Qu Ling Yue actually came to the scene. They sat on the banquet, and Xiong Ba took it on that day. When Jun was not released from prison, he once met with Jun innocent, and he was only a good-looking boy who was implicated and grievances. When he saw Jun No Evil, he smiled and nodded to Jun.

However, Qu Lingyue looked at her eyes and looked at her innocence. Some smiled when she was overwhelmed, and she looked down at her.

Jun Wuxie and others were seated, the piano in the palace door was melodious, accompanied by the fresh fruit brought by the ladies, and everyone calmly tasted this moment, waiting for the beginning of the feast.

The Thunder looked at the innocent, with a deep smile on his lips. How could he not know that Lei Fan was sitting on his side, because his smile was already full of dissatisfaction and unwillingness, hidden at the table. The hands underneath, I am afraid that there will be countless dents on the bottom of the table.

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