Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 884: Palace Banquet 3

All the people's attention and attention on the palace feast were attracted to the past by Lei Fan's words. They looked at the innocent, and the Thunder had a smile on the face, but the smile did not reach the bottom of the eye. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

Jun No Evil did not respond immediately, just looking at Lei Fan’s handsome face, after a moment of silence, she slowly became able to drink.

The emperor smiled at this moment: "This must be the youngest entrant in the Fenghua Academy? Are you called Junxie?"

Jun Wuqi got up and said: "Exactly."

"Good! It is a hero who is a teenager. I didn't expect you to have this achievement at such a young age. It is really a promising future! You are similar to the four emperors, and you can move around in the future." The emperor smiled and smiled. His eyes looked up and down in the eyes, and when his eyes swept over the ring that the innocent fingertips carried, the smile of his mouth appeared a little solid!

"Junxie, you are the one of the youngest in the spirits conference, the one step forward, let you take a look at your little genius." The emperor did not speak quietly.

It is not good for the emperor to be unsightly in front of everyone, but he walked out of the position and walked to the emperor.

The smile on the emperor's face is still the same, but the bottom of his eyes has already faintly shimmered with shock.

How can he forget the ring in the hands of Jun Wuxie?

"Junxie, the ring in your hand is your ring spirit? You are the first time you see someone wearing a ring finger on this finger." Ordinary people's ring is worn on the right middle finger, not People deliberately do it because, from the moment the awakening is awakened, the ring will appear above the middle finger, so people generally do not change the position of the ring.

But the silver ring on the hands of Jun Wu is wearing on the ring finger.

Jun Wu looked down at the ring on the ring finger of her right hand. This is the ring that she got from the stone house in the broken horizon. After leaving the world, she put it on her hand and never took it.

One is because this is the only relic left by her "Master". Secondly, her fundamental ring is not visible to others. This ring is worn on her hand and can also confuse the opponent.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jun simple and simple, the emperor tried to cover up, but she still noticed from his subtle changes that the emperor seemed to care about her ring.

"It turned out to be like this." The emperor's heart was slightly relieved, but the worry at the bottom of his eyes still did not fade.

"Oh, I’m just curious about it. You are seated in the evil spirits. Today is the celebration for the winners of your ten fights. Don’t be polite.”

Jun Wuxie returned to the position to sit down, but there is still a trace of the meaning of the emperor's quirky behavior.

The banquet officially began, the dance sings and dances, the sound of the piano is melodious, accompanied by the skirt flying, the wine is filled in the air, with a hint of intoxicating smell.

After three rounds of wine, there were more voices on the palace banquet. The four emperors fought each other from time to time. Several teenagers from the Battle Flag College and Longxuan College successively toasted the emperor. The emperor’s face was smiling and his eyes were closed. However, there are already some absent-mindedness, just a few words of perfunctory.

When Lei Fan stared at the conversation, he got up and walked straight toward the innocent direction.

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