Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 893: Darkness Chen Cang 1

"And she must report, once she knows that the father has given her a killing, she will only start with a strong!" Thunder's eyes have a happy smile, the trust of the innocent, so that he can not help but fantasize On a certain day in the future, the man was kicked off the picture of the throne. August 1st Chinese website? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

Wen Yu can only shake his head helplessly, although he also knows that Jun is not very good, even can be called a enchanting, but ... she is just a teenager, how can she compete with the king of a country?

The emperor in the palace was sitting up and down in the royal study room, and the black man soon appeared in the royal study room. He saw the emperor's anxious look, and he did not dare to speak for a time.

The emperor’s heart was in a panic, and he did not expect that the person with the Yanhuang ring would actually exist.

Wu Shanghuang has been deceased for many years, and his purpose has been left in the hands of the Empress Dowager. The emperor did not think that he would take away the will to destroy it, but there are several powerful people around the Empress Dowager. In the dark position, those in the dark position are not the ones under his command. He has tried to secretly steal the sacred decree, but the people he sent eventually died in the palace of the Empress Dowager. I want to know the people he sent at the time, but there are five blue spirits!

Even so, the five people did not even find the body. Since then, the emperor has respected the Empress Dowager. He thinks that the person who owns the Yanhuang ring can no longer appear, and he will give up.

However, today I saw the Yanhuang ring in the hands of Jun Wuxie, but forced the emperor to a dead end.

The relationship between Jun No Evil and Thunder is very good. Although the Empress Dowager is less likely to move around in the palace, she is very fond of the grandson of Thunder, otherwise the emperor may not let the Thunder sit in the position of Prince for so many years.

The emperor is worried that if the Queen Mother is aware of the matter, I am afraid that the throne of this flaming country will really move to the Lord!

What worries the emperor is that the national teacher Wen Yu seems to have noticed the Yanhuang ring in the hands of Jun Wu. Although Wen Yu has always maintained a neutral attitude, he is the master of Thunder, even though the Thunder has He broke off the apprenticeship, but the emperor was still worried that Wen Yu would say this to the Thunder in case of a sudden, then it was over!

At the present moment, only the quick knife and the chaos will remove the evil spirits as soon as possible, and take away the Yanhuang ring to end the trouble!

"You! Go and help me with one thing!" The emperor finally got an idea in his heart, and he half-squinted at the black man lying on the floor.

"Please tell me."

"I want you..."

At the same time, the Queen's Palace is already in a panic.

When Lei Fan was lifted back, he lost consciousness, but his hands still protected his face. When the Queen saw him, he drunk away from others, leaving only a few confidants in the palace. Only Lei Fan's hand was pulled down.

And this look, but the Queen's heart has to jump out.

Lei Fan's appearance changed completely, and the handsome and charming five senses have completely disappeared. Now he is lying in bed, no matter how you look, it is very similar to the Queen.

The queen was shocked and immediately ordered to come to Leifan to check the situation.

After an hour, Lei Fan was faint.

And the first sentence he woke up was...

"Mother! I want to kill the evil! I want to kill her! She saw my face! See my face!"

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