Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 896: Assassination 2

The few people immediately stood in front of the other two rooms on the second floor. They listened to the movements inside, and determined that there was no sound in every room. The people inside were still asleep, and the man they wanted to immediately nodded!

Except for the black men who were in front of other houses, the remaining ten people all came to one of the rooms, and they quietly opened the door with the tip of the knife, and opened the door!

But when they entered the room, through the faint candlelight, but now the whole room is empty, there is no target on the messy bed. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

When they were wondering, the door behind them was suddenly closed!

The screaming sound, the black people who entered the door immediately turned around and looked!

But I saw a handsome boy, standing in front of the door, looking at them with half eyes.

"Who sent you here?" Jun innocently looked at the guests who broke into her room. These people entered the footsteps very lightly, but the black cat still heard their number, except for breaking into her room. In addition to the ten people inside, there should be more than a dozen people outside the door who kept the flowers and their doors, and did not enter.

Obviously, the purpose of this group of black people coming tonight is her!

The black people looked at the innocent, and the swords in their hands shone with the cold, and the boy’s side was empty. In the face of their sudden appearance, the boy did not show a panicked look. On the contrary, there is a kind of natural indifference and change.

"The person who took your life." The black man whispered and immediately made a gesture to his companion.

For a moment! The black man in the room rushed over like a sinless man!

The innocent figure flashed, and the moments when those people passed by were surprised to notice that among the black people, there are actually a few people whose strength is also green! Even a few people are Qingling!

The growth of spiritual power is extremely difficult. It is impossible for ordinary strength to come up with such a group of assassination squads composed of Green Spirit and Green Spirit!

Is the emperor? Still four emperors?

Jun has no evil to dodge again and again, thinking about the suspect in his mind.

The black man knew that the boy he was facing this time was not an ordinary person before he came, so he specially brought such a team of people to ensure that the boy who has reached the Green Spirit is completely obliterated!

However, after the fight, the black man’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange look. Although he knew that the boy named Junxie was a green spirit, he did not think that she could even join hands with so many people who were quite powerful and even higher than her. Temporarily avoiding under!

These sensitive skills are really not easy to deal with.

However, he believes that it will not be supported until the end of the innocence. She is now crazy to use the spiritual power to dodge, the spiritual consumption is huge, and soon it will overdraw, when it is her death!

At the same time, the two swords stabbed at the chest of the innocent. When she was ready to withdraw, several other black men had already surrounded her, and she did not give her a little room to escape.

"Jun Gongzi, you must die here today, even if you are a green spirit can not save your own life, I advise you to still struggle less, but also to die more happy." For the black people see Jun no Evil has become the shackles of the embarrassment, and immediately sneer.

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