Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 899: Assassination 5

Outside the door, a bloody, red blood stained with doors and windows, not a spacious walkway, has been washed by blood, the body of the horizontal, eighty-eight bodies, messy in the aisle, and the blood of the Joe Chu is laughing and standing At the door, waving his blood-stained hands against the innocent!

We are already outside..." Qiao Chu smiled. August 1st? Wenwang? W≈W≤W.81ZW.COM

"Go out." Jun no evil wrinkled.

Joe Chu stunned, and his waving hand was stiff in the air.

The nightingale coughed a bit: "Missy doesn't like **** smell."

Joe Chu blinked, but he didn't notice this before.

Tonight, I didn’t sleep for a night, and the things in my heart were bothered, and I smelled such a strong **** smell. How can I feel good?

"Joss Joe is better to clean first." The nightingale looked at Qiao Chu's **** claws.

Qiao Chu immediately came back to see the little face that was innocently wrinkled, and immediately shrank his neck and immediately took the door and rolled out.

I was groping for those bodies in the aisle, trying to find out that the non-smoke people from these people looked up and looked at Qiao Chu, who suddenly came out again, full of doubts.

"How come you are out again?" Non-flue.

Qiao Chu looked at a few partners who were not more blood than him, and said helplessly: "I suggest that you go to clean the clothes before you go to see the little evil spirits, and... let the shopkeepers People go to clean this passage, if... there are people living here."

Rong Ruo has just gone to the first floor to look at it. Now the second child of the vigil on the first floor has already died.

Non-smoke and flower buds look at each other. Although they don't understand why Qiao Chu said so, they are very witty and don't ask much.

Huixianlou died two nights tonight. The rest of the people who had rested in the house were not killed. When the treasurer was awakened by Qiao Chu, he did not understand what was going on, but when Qiao Chu took him to the deceased. After the front, the shopkeeper who was still half-awake and awake immediately woke up.

In a panic, his sly people will be cleaned up in the fairy building, and the bodies of the black people have been moved to the backyard to be stacked together.

After Joe Chu cleaned them and changed their clothes, Jun Wuji had already sat in the lobby on the second floor, and the nightingale was standing next to the only surviving black man.

"What are these people coming to? I see that their strength is not low, the second is the Green Spirit level, and there are two blue spirits." Qiao Chu sat in a chair, staring at his head and looking at the half dead. Man in black.

Non-flue: "I have checked their bodies before, and there is nothing in them that can prove their origins. It seems that the people who sent them are ready."

"Does this person have something to explain?" Rong Ruo looked at the unmoving black man who was stunned by the night.

The nightingale shook his head and he reached out and lifted the black man's head.

This one, let them notice that the black man’s jaw has been unloaded by the nightingale, and now he can only keep his mouth open.

"This is..." Joe Chu wondered the man.

"He wants to bite his tongue and kill himself."

The black man is also a fierce person, knowing that his task has failed, and there is no trace of forgiveness, and he wants to die.

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