Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 150 Geniuses who are good at discovering talents

It's so difficult to be alone.

Computer programming is at least carried out by a small team. When a leather bag company receives a project, it has to recruit more than a dozen or twenty people to complete the project work together.

The main reason is that there are too many "dirty and tiring tasks".

The top-level programmers do technology, build the framework, and do the core algorithms. The programmers at the next level are responsible for filling in the code in the framework, and the next level is simply debugging and correcting errors.

After all the code is written, the subsequent debugging, running, modification, and maintenance are also a arduous task.

The above is ordinary software design.

Doing top-notch algorithm and technology research will be very different, but the same point is that there is a lot of "dirty and tiring work". It is impossible for the core personnel who lead the project to do it all by themselves.

This is the reason why some laboratories recruit ordinary doctoral and master's students. Most of them only do some "seemingly high-end" hard work.


Because coolie work is also very high-end, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Zhao Yi carefully thought about the design of "robots for autonomous shopping" and found that there was still a lot of hard work.

First of all, it is obvious that there are a lot of things in supermarkets!

Vegetables, fruits, fresh food, cooked food, snacks, toys, clothes, shoes and hats, daily necessities...

Etc., etc.

If you take out one category alone, you can list a large number of items. Even if you don't consider the brand and model, everything is listed and you can't even look at it.

For these to be recognized by intelligence, special data packages must be produced and input into the computer database.

Zhao Yi is confident that he can write the core code, but it is almost impossible for one person to complete all the data survey, research, and other bits and pieces of code.

He also plans to continue enjoying high school life instead of being reduced to a tool writing code.

Press your forehead hard.


Recruiting people, you must recruit people.

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and realized that there was no one available around him. He still had to recruit people from outside, but the research must be confidential, so it was best to recruit people he knew and could trust.

Who are you looking for?

We're recruiting, there's no rush.

There is no time limit for scientific research-related achievement tasks, so Zhao Yi continues to enjoy his vacation life.

After staying in the hotel for two days, he and three women went to visit the surrounding attractions. He felt that visiting the attractions was secondary, and the most important thing was to take more photos.

so boring……

Zhao Yi has no interest in taking pictures and is always asked to help take pictures. There is sadness in his eyes and he plans to hire a professional videographer to help.

Lin Xiaoqing firmly opposed it, "The photos must be taken by yourself to be interesting."


"You can't spend it like this even if you have money!"

The last sentence was obviously said by Zhao Hongjuan. Zhao Yi found that hiring a cameraman was useless because he was always asked to take pictures with them.


Life is so difficult!

Zhao Yi sighed while looking at the messages on his phone, and found that Sun Liang sent many text messages, showing off how good the winter camp was, how good the teachers were, and how good the dormitory was. It sounded like he was enjoying life. , instead of attending Mathematical Olympiad training and exams.

I can't deal with this kind of person!

Zhao Yi continued to visit the scenic spots leisurely, and when he returned, he took the initiative to look at the photos with Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin. He also said by the way, "By the way, if you send good-looking photos to monkeys, just send them to Penguin. Don't look at him for training and exams. This guy definitely finds time to surf the internet.”

"There are also those photos of the beach, including those of us taking a speedboat and having a big meal. Yes, we must post more photos of those who have a big meal."

"There is a helicopter at the western end of our beach, right? Let's go take a helicopter ride tomorrow and take more photos!"

"Send it to him too!"

Zhao Yi said with emotion, "This is called sharing! I remember when I was a child, my parents always told me that if there is something fun and delicious, you must learn to share it."

"Now that I finally understand the joy of sharing, let's share more with the monkeys!"

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin burst into laughter after hearing this.

After Zhao Yi returned to the room, he found that there were many photos on his phone. He selected a few good ones and sent them directly to Sun Liang. He found that 'sharing' was really fun.

in memory……

More than ten years later, he almost never posts on WeChat Moments, and he hates those people in WeChat Moments who show off where they travel and what meals they eat.

Now he feels this kind of happiness, especially knowing that Sun Liang is still struggling to participate in the winter camp.

"I'm going to take a helicopter ride tomorrow. The purpose is not to take the helicopter, but to take more photos and send them to..."


“The more photos you post, the happier you will be!”

After closing the dialogue window with Sun Liang, I remembered the troublesome issue of 'recruiting' again.

Zhao Yi knew almost no people in the computer industry who were low-end and low-level people. Everyone looked very high-end. When he opened the 'Computer Technology Exchange Group', people like Zhang Zhen were 'ordinary people', and many of them were working in universities. Lecturer, or in the lab…


Laboratory personnel.

Zhao Yi closed the group chat dialog box and spotted a penguin friend.

Xu Chao!

Xu Chao is also a pure doctoral student. His technical ability can be described as 'excellent', but he is relatively poor. It may be a matter of life opportunities. He worked on projects with his mentor in the laboratory in Shencheng and got the After I get my doctorate, I plan to stay and continue doing research.


The original laboratory was relocated.

Xu Chao could only go north to work in the new laboratory of Yanhua University, but he was obviously an 'outsider' and had nothing to do with Yanhua University. Going to a new place was like starting over.

He is not even as good as Qian Hong.

While Qian Hong was still studying for his Ph.D., he worked as a part-time lecturer, which provided him with a good income.

Xu Chao is just a doctoral student recruited by the laboratory, not even an assistant researcher. It can be said that he is a temporary worker in the laboratory. He definitely hopes to continue doing research and has been working hard for it, but what achievements do he want to make in a short time? It's really a bit too difficult.

Zhao Yi still knew something about Xu Chao's situation. He thought about it carefully and found that Xu Chao was really a suitable poaching target.

Highly educated!

Good ability!

The current job remuneration is very average, and it is difficult to discuss the establishment of a mobile postdoctoral fellow. He has not been working in the capital for a long time, so it is probably difficult to feel any attachment to him.

"It's him!"

Zhao Yi immediately sent a message to Xu Chao, "Brother Chao, I'm planning to start a business. Are you interested?"

Yanhua University, Intelligence and Automation Laboratory.

The leader of this newly built laboratory is Professor Liu Guangzuo, who is the director of the Scientific Research Office of the Graduate School of Yanhua University. He is also the vice chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Society, deputy director of the Intelligent Robot Professional Committee, and a member of the Intelligent Automation Professional Committee of the Automation Society. Transaction - on -Intelligence -Chief editor of Technology journal, etc.

Liu Guangzuo has so many titles, and his scientific research ability is definitely not bad.

He has long been engaged in teaching, scientific research and industrialization work in the fields of computer vision and hearing, pattern recognition and image processing. He has undertaken more than 10 national 863 projects, 973 projects and Natural Science Foundation projects, and has published more than 100 academic papers in SCI/ EI search.

Of course, winning relevant awards at home and abroad is also indispensable.

Such an excellent leader is enough to lead a key laboratory. Liu Guangzuo and another professor have been engaged in national project-related work for a long time.

Qian Zhijin, the deputy dean of information students, is the ‘No. 3’ professor in the laboratory.

Qian Zhijin also has a very clear understanding of his own scientific research capabilities. He cannot compare with the former "No. 2" professor, so he simply does some work such as publicity, sponsorship, and talent recruitment. In addition to special projects, the overall laboratory He is responsible for all finances.

Responsible for this aspect is a headache.

The Intelligence and Automation Laboratory is a computer-based laboratory and has the same problems as most computer laboratories.

The other two professors spend most of their time working on projects assigned by the state. The progress of the projects has always been very good. In this way, they can maintain their "key" status, produce relatively large results, and have the opportunity to move up. However, National projects can only receive basic funding. If the laboratory needs more funds to develop, it must do some commercial projects.

Qian Zhijin is working on commercial projects.

He is not like Zeng Wenjun, who wants to make a fat man in one bite. He is quite familiar with scientific research. He basically just takes on some small projects and directly leads the team to do research and development.

Xu Chao is Qian Zhijin's favorite general.

Dr. Xu Chao graduated less than two years ago and had only been in the laboratory for a short time. However, Qian Zhijin found that Xu Chao's ability was not much worse than his own. What he lacked was the breadth of knowledge, experience and management ability.

Qian Zhijin valued Xu Chao very much. He let Xu Chao get in touch with core things, and also promised, "When you complete this project, you will publish relevant papers. Accumulate and accumulate, you will be able to be evaluated in two years Associate professor now.”

"Good job!"

"You are still young. Young people should work harder. You are the most potential in the institute!"

Xu Chao nodded heavily and continued to work overtime.

Qian Zhijin went back to the office and made a cup of tea. When he took a break, he suddenly thought of Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi is definitely a computer genius. He can invent algorithms on his own before going to college. After entering Yanhua University, maybe as an undergraduate At this stage, you can achieve a very good level.

At that time, the laboratory will have one more key staff, which will definitely greatly improve the efficiency of the project.

"I am really discerning and know how to seize opportunities!"

"I was able to recruit Zhao Yi..."

Qian Zhijin was very satisfied with the results of his poaching, but as long as Zhao Yi didn't come to school for a day, the poaching was far from being considered a success.

He quickly opened the Penguin account and sent a message, "Zhao Yi, the Chinese New Year is almost here, and the school is sending out New Year gifts. I will go to the logistics department tomorrow and ask for a copy to be mailed to you! By the way, where should I send it?"

Zhao Yizheng was waiting boredly for Xu Chao's reply. When he saw Qian Zhijin talking about benefits, he quickly sent him his address and zip code.

New Year gifts?

Don’t give it up for free!

"Thank you!"

Zhao Yi thanked Qian Zhijin and was halfway through typing when he found a new message reminder. The profile picture was that of Xu Chao. He immediately opened the shortcut key and closed the chat window with Qian Zhijin.

Xu Chao had been working overtime and busy with the project, but the Penguin account was always on his computer. Suddenly he found a message from Zhao Yi, so he opened it and glanced at it.

"Brother Chao, I'm planning to start a business. Are you interested?"

Starting a business?

Xu Chao was a little confused, and then he replied with interest, "What kind of business do you want to start? Didn't you say you want to go to college? Why did you suddenly think of starting a business?"

He just treated it as a normal chat.

Zhao Yidao said, "There is no conflict between going to college and starting a business. To put it bluntly, I am working on a very practical intelligent system and have already achieved some results. I am ready to study it further and then realize it. If you want to come, let's work together. There will be a lot of money. .”

Xu Chao was silent for a while and became more serious, "Can you tell me about your research?"


He received a video link.

When I opened it, I saw that it was an experimental robot. Under the voice command, I went to the side and... made a cup of instant coffee?

Xu Chao looked back and forth many times, rubbed his eyes vigorously, looked at every detail carefully, and found that there was indeed no problem.

He took a deep breath and quickly replied, "I'll think about it!"

Zhao Yi smiled.

the other side.

When Qian Zhijin saw that Zhao Yi had returned the address, he didn't say another word. He asked with some confusion, "Zhao Yi! It's already this hour, what are you busy with?"

Zhao Yi saw the message and quickly replied, "Sorry, Professor Qian, something happened just now. I'm sorry. Thank you for the new year's goods!"

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Just be busy if you have something to do."

Qian Zhijin finished replying to the message and lay down on the chair with confidence.

Looking at the bright ceiling, he felt very good. He gave a thumbs up, turned it towards his face, nodded seriously, and said affirmatively, "Qian Zhijin, that's right, you He’s a genius!”

"A genius who is good at discovering talents!"

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