Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 158 National Project Name

By the wall.

Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing stood in a row, both looking down at their toes, even their movements were exactly the same.

This moment.

Zhao Yi thought deeply about expressions and reactions.

Because there are more than ten years of memories in his mind, he always feels that he is in his thirties. Coupled with the achievements after rebirth, his mentality has not been adjusted for a long time. Doing something with Lin Xiaoqing is like a strange man who seduces an ignorant girl. Lin Xudong's reaction after seeing it was naturally subconscious embarrassment.

In reality?

He is only eighteen years old.

How would a normal 18-year-old high school student react when his parents catch him having sex with a girl?

Lower your head.

Uneasy, helpless and worried.

"Yes, that's the action!"

"It's easy to get away with this reaction."

Zhao Yi lowered his head and tightened his face, constantly adjusting his muscle structure to prevent an embarrassing smile from appearing on his face.

Lin Xudong looked at Zhao Yi strangely.

Based on his understanding of Zhao Yi, he should have smiled, explained a few words, walked away, and then pretended that nothing happened.

This guy is so slippery!

Lin Xudong was well prepared to deal with it, that is, to directly catch him and not let him go, and then severely criticize and reprimand him for his behavior.

What's going on now?

You kid still hangs your head, looking aggrieved?

My daughter's...

Lin Xudong looked at his daughter and felt very depressed. He knew that Lin Xiaoqing liked Zhao Yi, and it was impossible for his daughter to be forced to do anything by Zhao Yi. She was not on the same level in terms of force. Because of this, she felt even more sour. Seeing Zhao Yi again Yi's reaction was even more depressed.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and asked, "I saw what you were doing just now!"

"Dad! We didn't."

Lin Xiaoqing quickly raised her head and explained shyly, and even glanced at Zhao Yi secretly.

Zhao Yi understood the meaning of his eyes: he didn't admit it.

I should cooperate with your performance... just cooperate. Zhao Yi found that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he simply returned to his normal expression, "Uncle Lin! This is normal for us..."

"What's normal!"

Lin Xudong interrupted and said angrily, "What happened just now? You should explain it to me. I saw it with my own eyes!"

The door upstairs rang.

"It's so late at night, why are you shouting?"

Zhao Hongjuan walked downstairs and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I heard you shouting when I was upstairs. Your voice was so loud that even the neighbors heard it. I'll call the security guard later."

"Juan'er, you don't know..."

Lin Xudong's tone suddenly became much softer, but he was immediately interrupted by Zhao Hongjuan, "What's going on? Didn't you say you'd be back after eight o'clock? It's already past nine o'clock."

"I have a temporary case!"

Lin Xudong said something politely and wanted to continue the topic.

Zhao Yi subconsciously used the "Law of Cause and Effect" and discovered something very interesting——

Lin Xudong is lying.

Using "Supervision Law" again, two messages came back to his mind. One was that Lin Xudong blinked twice too many times, something was wrong.

One is that Lin Xudong spends most of his time in the car.

Coming home late, lying, cars...


Zhao Yi opened his mouth in surprise.

He looked at Lin Xudong and said doubtfully, "Uncle Lin, are you lying? It must not be business, right? I noticed that you blinked a little faster just now. Although the frequency is not high, it means..."

He didn't finish.

After hearing this, Zhao Hongjuan immediately looked at Lin Xudong and asked, "It's not business? Lin Xudong, tell me?"

"Listen to his nonsense!"

Lin Xudong's voice rose a lot.

Zhao Yidao said, "Uncle Lin, I have helped you a lot. You know that I know psychology."

Lin Xudong looked at Zhao Yi fiercely.

The two looked at each other.

After quick eye contact, Zhao Yi received the signal and immediately turned back, "...but that's right, you are a criminal police officer, you must know psychology, my judgment always has no effect on you, really What a pity."

He shook his head and walked out the door, and said politely, "Uncle Lin, Aunt Zhao, I'll go back first."

"Slow down!"

Zhao Hongjuan replied politely, and then asked Lin Xudong, "What did you yell about just now?"

Lin Xudong looked out the door with his eyes wide open, his fists clenched tightly, and he was really angry. He simply said angrily, "It's not Zhao Yi, Qingqing..."

He glanced at his daughter.

Lin Xiaoqing looked over pitifully.

When he met Lin Xiaoqing's eyes, Lin Xudong still didn't say anything. The person involved, Zhao Yi, had already left, so what could he say if only his daughter was left?

"never mind!"

Lin Xudong shook his head and said nothing more, but he felt like he couldn't let it out.


Zhao Yi is really awesome. How did he know that he was lying?

He did lie.

In fact, it's not a big deal. There was a woman in the police station who had her bag robbed. She was divorced and took care of her children. There was no one at home, and the child was still being treated in the hospital. The distance between the police station and the hospital was a bit far.

Lin Xudong happened to be leaving get off work, so he drove her to the hospital and kindly looked at the hospitalized child.

This is doing good.

But twenty years of struggle experience told him that if good-intentioned matters involve a woman, especially a divorced woman, problems may arise as soon as the family explains it.

After going upstairs and returning home, Lin Xudong was still angry just thinking about it. He couldn't help but said to Lin Xiaoqing, "Qingqing, you are in your third year of high school now, and that bastard..."


Lin Xiaoqing frowned and was dissatisfied.

"Okay, dad won't tell me." Lin Xudong sighed sadly.

Zhao Hongjuan helped Lin Xudong by saying, "What your dad said is right. Zhao Yi is a very good kid, but he is now in his third year of high school and wants to focus on studying..."

"Mom, I understand."

Lin Xiaoqing pouted and interrupted, then returned to her room. Of course she knew she should study, but she still couldn't help but always thinking about that person.

If it weren't for dad just now...

"Dad is so annoying..."

"Are you ashamed?"

Lin Xiaoqing blushed thinking about it. She quickly took out her book and planned to start studying seriously, but she couldn't help but pick up her phone.

Send a message, "Don't do weird things in the future. We are still in the third year of high school, so we must focus on studying..."

"Bah, bah, bah..."

After typing a lot of words and sending them out, she stared at them carefully for a long time, a little worried about being misunderstood, and couldn't help but add, "It's so embarrassing to be seen."

Zhao Yi found that he had achieved his goal and got two "flirting coins", but he was still a little depressed because the "flirting coins" were not the only purpose.

That fragrant and tempting little mouth...

Zhao Yi was very angry when he thought of Lin Xudong. He found that every time he was downstairs, there would always be a Lin Xudong.

The ghost lingers!

"How about making an alarm for Lin Xudong? For example, install a camera at the entrance of the corridor, and if Lin Xudong is found, a reminder will appear on the phone immediately..."

"Or simply hack his car, car keys, etc., and sound the alarm when he gets closer?"

Zhao Yi began to use his imagination. After thinking about several plans in succession, he simply shook his head vigorously and gave a strong middle finger to the window.


"I will kiss your daughter!"


"It's not illegal!"

While he was thinking about it, he noticed a text message coming from his phone. He ignored the first one and immediately smiled after glancing at the last one.

Embarrassed to be seen?



Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing chatted for a while on their mobile phones. After opening the Penguin account, they saw Professor Liu Hemin's message, "Zhao Yi, I didn't expect that you would do it so seriously. It's so detailed!"

"This has been of great help to me, thank you. I would like to ask if you would consider becoming my teaching assistant..."

After getting the "Law of Supervision", Zhao Yi tried it with the algorithm package sent by Professor Liu and found that he could directly find errors and problems, so he marked the errors and problems, and some even wrote directly Modify direction.

This feels like the teacher judging papers.

After Professor Liu received the algorithm package, he looked at the content and was a little surprised.

His first thought was to ask Zhao Yi to help improve it, but the content of the algorithm package was too complicated and involved advanced mathematics calculation problems. Zhao Yi's knowledge was somewhat insufficient. He originally did not expect Zhao Yi to help, but he did not expect Zhao Yi to send him a message. Weird stuff.

Is this a judgment or a review?

He reviews the code for the graduate students and doctoral students under his supervision, basically to see the operational efficiency. The code is not a mathematical deduction question. It is not easy to understand even if it is not written by himself. To find errors in details, it is better to write a new copy. This is the first time I have seen someone like Zhao Yi draw out the mistakes one by one, and some even write down the direction of correction.

From the perspective of making algorithm packages, similar troubleshooting, comments, and suggestions are definitely time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Of course.

Regardless of the time-consuming and labor-intensive process of finding errors and giving suggestions, sending the original algorithm package back to the producer for modification will definitely be very helpful in improving the algorithm package.

In addition, from the perspective of ‘teaching students’, it is of great significance.

This is similar to what junior high school and high school students do when they answer questions. The teacher points out the mistakes during the marking process and lets them know where they are wrong, and they can revise and continue thinking on their own. The effect will definitely be quite good.

After Professor Liu read a few paragraphs, he sent two of the algorithm packages to the students who made them, and asked them to modify them accordingly. This would not only improve the algorithm packages, but also allow students to improve and improve.

There is nothing we can do about the other two.

The students who made it have graduated and left, and he can no longer ask the students who left to continue to improve the algorithm package.

Professor Liu left a message to Zhao Yi, saying that he was "considering becoming a teaching assistant" from the bottom of his heart. The tutor guides the students by teaching them knowledge, doing projects, and researching computer software production. It is impossible for the tutor to have the program packages made by the students. Energy, check slowly section by section.

If Zhao Yi helps with revisions and comments, it will definitely be of great help to the students' improvement.

Of course.

Professor Liu also knew that Zhao Yi would not agree, so he just mentioned it jokingly in surprise.

Zhao Yi also knew that Professor Liu was joking, so he immediately replied, "I still have to go to school, and I haven't considered working for the time being..."

Professor Liu simply clicked on the voice chat.

The two started chatting.

Professor Liu is still talking about his own research. He has been doing research on evolutionary algorithms. Zhao Yi's 'screening method' has been very helpful to the research. Coupled with the several algorithm packages reviewed, Zhao Yi can be regarded as having a great contribution to the research. Contributed.

"Part of my research is a national project, and your name will be reported after completion."

"Thank you Professor Liu."

Zhao Yi felt that Professor Liu was too polite. He only provided the 'screening method'. The 'screening method' was open to the world. The algorithm package only pointed out the mistakes when testing the "Supervision Law" and wrote them down. It was true that there was no What great effort has been made?

Professor Liu said very seriously, "If I hadn't communicated with you face to face, I wouldn't know how to use it. Filtering out unnecessary information is of great significance for intelligent autonomous learning."

"Your contribution to my research cannot be erased."

"However, the national projects don't have much money, but there are several technology companies that are very interested in my research. They have also sponsored some scientific research funds. When the research is officially submitted, I will allocate part of it to you."

Zhao Yi quickly backed down and said, "There's no need for money, I haven't contributed much."

"Don't give in, the money belongs to whoever deserves it." Professor Liu said so seriously and solemnly that Zhao Yi could not continue to be polite.

Zhao Yi could only say, "Okay, Professor Liu, if you have any algorithm packages or anything else, if I can help, I will definitely help."

"I will remember what you said." Professor Liu joked with a smile, "Don't be too troublesome then."

"Will not."

After turning off the voice chat, Zhao Yi noticed that Xu Chao was at the door. Xu Chao had been working all day and it was almost time to leave at ten o'clock in the evening.

"Brother Chao, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhao Yi didn't think he was a boss who exploited his employees, so he felt a little weird when he asked Xu Chao to work until ten o'clock.

Xu Chao didn't take it seriously, "I'm used to it. It's always been like this when I'm in the laboratory. By the way, Zhao Yi, I heard you just say, national project name?"


Zhao Yi explained briefly.

Xu Chao said in surprise, "Professor Liu is really", he said with a thumbs up, "he actually gave you a name."

"What's wrong?"

"Professor Liu is a researcher at the Academy of Sciences. What he is working on must be a big national project, such as the Shenzhou spacecraft, launch vehicle, or something else. Even if it is a small research project, it is great to have a name, and it will be recorded in his personal On the resume.”

"Think about it, if it's a really big project, such as the Shenzhou spacecraft, and "Participate in the development of the Shenzhou spacecraft" appears on your resume, it sounds amazing!"

Zhao Yi opened his mouth in surprise.

so good?

Xu Chao continued, "National projects are only named by the person in charge and core personnel. Doctoral students and master's students who follow the project are generally not named. The advantage of their participation in the project is that they can publish papers on some of their personal achievements. .”

"But the core content of the national project will definitely not allow ordinary doctoral students and graduate students to participate. Do you understand?"

Xu Chao said with envy on his face.

Even if you are a postdoctoral fellow working in the laboratory, you will be treated the same as graduate students and master's students when participating in national projects. If you have any research results, you can publish a paper and think about your name in the project...

Dream on!

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