Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 170 Fly a plane or ride a rocket?

The technology, code, and programs inside the robot are still far from being realized. This does not mean that the technology is not up to standard, but that the program cannot be separated for the time being.

Today's programs are all machine language, designed bit by bit, and the internals are very trivial. Some are in other languages ​​and run on the upper layer for simplicity of writing. Some are embedded into the system and used at the hardware level, and some are Simply a command to call system functions.

It's like a machine put together by hand.

There is no problem with the operation of the machine, but if you want to put it in a factory for mass production, you must understand each part. When putting it on the robot, you need to separate each program and algorithm package separately. Only after this work is completed can you ensure that each part is Program packages and algorithm packages can be combined and run independently in most environments without being affected by the system environment.

This job belongs to Xu Chao.

Zhao Yi was enjoying his last high school life and didn't want to spend time doing basic work. He spent his free time every day drinking coffee leisurely, sitting in the living room and watching TV, or just reading and doing other things.

One day I even bought a stack of newspapers and read the local print news.

While Xu Chao was busy at work, he noticed the leisurely Zhao Yi and felt a little sad. He also asked a question on the forum, "I work overtime all day and night, but my boss does nothing. What should I do if I’m waiting to extract my residual value?”

The following responses are all--

"Fire the boss!"

"If you quit your job, the company led by such a boss will definitely go bankrupt soon!"

"Brother, get out of this trap and become a free man. You can make a lot of money by opening an online store. What kind of job do you want to do?"

Xu Chao replied with a few words, "But I'm still waiting for a bonus of hundreds of thousands!"

The message under the post immediately changed, "Everyone, beat this pretender to death!"

"Whose company is this? I want to go too!"

"Hundreds of thousands of bonuses, let's dream! Owner, wake up! There is a little beast under the bed, and it's drowned in your saliva!"

Xu Chao found it interesting and even laughed.

Zhao Yi happened to walk to the door and asked, "Brother Chao, what are you looking at?"

"No, no!" Xu Chao hurriedly closed the web page, switched to the code window, and pretended to be working seriously.

Zhao Yi looked at Xu Chao suspiciously, looked up and down carefully, glanced at the computer screen, and suddenly walked away feeling disgusted.

When he got to the door, he turned around and said, "Brother Chao, there is Aunt Zhang on the back floor of our house. She often sits at the door. Aunt Zhang is very fashionable. She is less than fifty years old and her family is in pretty good condition." Yes, by the way, her husband seems to have passed away."

"I met you when I came back the day before yesterday. She asked me about you and said she likes knowledgeable people. She seems to be quite interested in you."

That's the end of it.

Xu Chao sat in front of the computer and froze for a long time, thinking carefully about the words "less than fifty", "dressed very beautifully", "very interested in you", and his face turned red.

He couldn't help but turn around and was about to curse angrily, but he just whispered, "Am I that kind of person?"

Zhao Yi ignored Xu Chao and went to the living room to see interesting news.

Fruit phone is officially on sale.

As early as two months ago, the fruit company held a press conference to showcase the first mobile phone they developed, which contained a lot of black technology.

From the perspective of ten years later, black technology will be very common, but it is still very attractive now.

Before the fruit company officially released mobile phones, most mobile phones were inseparable from physical buttons. It seemed impossible to realize the functions of the mobile phone without buttons. Even if there was a touch phone, it was a simple design of a button or a direction key.

The reason for this design is that resistive touch screens are not easy to use.

The new generation of mobile phones produced by Fruit Company seems to have broken this embarrassing situation. The biggest selling point is the touch problem that many mobile phones cannot solve. It uses capacitive screen and multi-touch technology to achieve thick and thick buttons without a physical keyboard. Fingers can also operate the phone screen accurately.

What Zhao Yi cares about is not the screen control method of the fruit phone, but the optional official software and security features.

He immediately checked the official fruit website.

Fruit's first-generation mobile phone had many flaws. For example, it didn't even have a 'copy' function. Another example was that it didn't open any ports for program developers to use, and it didn't even support the most basic horizontal screen.

If you want to install other functions on your mobile phone, you can only choose the "optional" software on the official website of Fruit.

Previously, the Fruit Company wanted to buy a Rubik's Cube computer, and the price offered was a bit insulting. Zhao Yi refused without even thinking about it. He wanted to see if the Fruit Company had developed a Rubik's Cube computer.

click to enter.


"Sure enough, not, the time is still too short!"

Zhao Yi thought.

Nowadays, you can download Rubik's Cube calculators with good performance on the Internet. Most of them have some bugs or poor calculation results, but their performance can cover most Rubik's Cube possibilities.

This also led to an extreme decline in sales of Rubik's Cube calculators.

The download and installation of the Rubik's Cube Calculator cannot make ends meet, so it is better to open it for free or simply take it off the shelves.

Zhao Yi’s decision was to remove it from the shelves.

Although being free is a good choice and will definitely attract a lot of traffic, it is unfair to users who have paid for installation before.

The book "Zhao's Screening Method" has also been completed and sent to its partner, Capital Youth Publishing House, and the countdown to domestic sales has begun.

The release of "Zhao Screening Method" means that most of the code has been made public.

There will definitely be free Rubik's Cube calculators on the Internet in the future, and it will be easy for users to find software with the same functions.

The Rubik's Cube Calculator will become out of print!

"The fruit company's scientific research capabilities are definitely fine. It will probably take a while before we can develop a Rubik's Cube calculator."

Zhao Yi thought, "The book will definitely be published by then, and if they study doesn't seem to make any sense."

Another point he focuses on is safety performance.

The fruit company's mobile phone is equipped with the IVS operating system, and even the developer port is not left. It can be said to be completely closed, and the security performance is definitely guaranteed.

Fruit companies are confident about this.

Their press conference focused on security performance to invite hackers from all over the world to try to attack the ivs operating system of mobile phones.

"Everyone can try to hack the mobile phone system."

"If someone can find a vulnerability in the ivs operating system, we will evaluate the vulnerability level and provide a reward of up to $50,000."

The manager of the technical department of the fruit company said conclusively.

Zhao Yi watched the video of the press conference and immediately decided to buy a mobile phone to try. There were more than a dozen vulnerabilities in Fruit Phones that he knew about in his memory, and most of them appeared in the first three generations of Fruit Phones.

"Contact Rate" may be able to help.

When using "Contact Rate" to check other mobile phones, there are a lot of security vulnerabilities that can be reported, too many to count. It is like there is a big road that can be passed wherever you go. Maybe it is also because of other systems. It doesn’t pay much attention to security performance. It is impossible to ensure security when a large number of developer entrances and system code parts are left open.

High schools in Zhengyang City conducted unified examinations.

There are tests every week in the third grade of high school, and examinations have become a daily routine. Students' attitude towards examinations is no different from ordinary examinations. The difference is that they pay more attention to grades.

This exam will lead to a big ranking in the city.

The ranking of Zhengyang City still has certain reference significance. Every year, the top ten in Zhengyang City can basically be admitted to Shuimu and Capital University. The top 100 can compete for top efficiency, and the following five thousand or more, There is basically no problem in getting admitted to the undergraduate program.

The students in the elite class are preparing for the exam seriously, and the learning atmosphere has become a lot more tense.

Zhao Linlin's grades are slightly worse. Her goal is to pass 600 points and rank among the top 1,000 in the city, so that she can get into a relatively good university.

It's hard.

Niu Lianhua didn't have high expectations for Zhao Linlin, so she instilled one goal, "It's enough to get a first-level teacher's degree. After graduating from university, I can become a teacher and have a stable job."

Zhao Linlin was disgusted by this. She felt that medicine would be better, but good medical universities also require higher scores.

"Lin (three sounds) Lin!"

Zhao Yi smiled and comforted Zhao Linlin and said, "It doesn't matter. If you can't get into a good medical university, it's not bad to become a nurse. I think you look beautiful in a nurse uniform."

"go away."

Zhao Linlin glared at Zhao Yi fiercely. She didn't know why Zhao Yi said that, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Zhao Yi pursed his lips and looked depressed, turning his head to look at Hu Tianyan, "You too, you look good in a nurse uniform."

Hu Tianyan tapped her toes on the ground, showing off the amazing length of her legs. With a slight smile on her face, she raised her lips forward.

Lin Xiaoqing didn't know when she turned around. She first glared at Zhao Yi fiercely, and her pouted mouth seemed to be about to make a 'hum' sound.

Zhao Yi quickly added, "Okay, okay, okay, you look better as a nurse."

Lin Xiaoqing turned her head.

Zhao Yi felt weird, Zhao Linlin didn't understand the meaning at all, and Lin Xiaoqing didn't understand either, and thought it was a compliment to her.

Why is it so difficult to use the ‘flirtation coins’ when facing a pure little girl?

Zhao Yi turned to Hu Tianyan with some reluctance and said softly, "Leng Leng, what I just said is true."

Hu Tianyan curled up her lips in disdain, lowered her head and continued to read the questions on the test paper.

[Flirting with girls, target: Hu Tianyan, learning coin +1. 】

It’s not easy!

"Hu Lengleng is indeed an experienced driver..."

Zhao Yi sighed.

The next day is the exam.

The senior year of high school has reached the final stage of preparing for the college entrance examination. It is too difficult to get some rest time. The examination venue is in the school. Students continue to attend class after the examination, just like normal classes. The examination is like an interlude.

Zhao Yi actually got some rest time because he handed in the paper very quickly.

Mathematics, comprehensive science, and English.

For Zhao Yi, these three courses can already be classified as "easy". He only took 40 minutes for mathematics and less than 50 minutes for English.

There are more questions in the Science Comprehensive Examination, so it takes a little longer to complete, but it only takes less than 70 minutes.

The language is different.

Zhao Yi was very serious about the Chinese language test. He thought carefully about the following questions. He even thought about the composition for five minutes before starting to write.

The results will come out two days later.

Unsurprisingly, the first place in Zhengyang City is Zhao Yi, but the surprise is his score-733 points.

"You are too perverted!"

"Even if you get a perfect score in math, you can still score 136 in Chinese? How did you do it? Lin Xiaoqing just scored 130."

"Isn't this score a lock for the top scorer in the college entrance examination in advance?"

"Don't forget, Zhao Yi has extra points! His first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad has 20 extra points, and the total score is 753."

"So no matter how hard I work, even if I get perfect scores in every test, I can't possibly surpass Zhao Yi, right?"



"I mean you can't get perfect marks on the test, not to mention 'all', not even one!"

Zhao Yi’s score is really amazing!

The second place was a student from Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School. He only scored 703 points, which was one grade lower than Zhao Yi. Even the teacher who judged the paper was exclaimed. Was there a question leak? The exam process was not rigorous. It was just If teachers from other schools invigilate the exam, the possibility of leaking questions still exists.

When it was discovered that the first place was Zhao Yi, a genius high school student who proved Kakutani's conjecture, no one questioned it. Zhao Yi's test paper was also very perfect. His mathematics was even better than the standard answers, and he also scored 299 points in comprehensive science. , it was just a small question with a big question, and the process was too simple, so the teacher deducted one point.

This point deduction is a bit unfair.

Zhao Yi wrote according to the feedback process of "Contact Rate", and "Contact Rate" gives the most streamlined and clearest logical answers. Perhaps the system feels that there is no need to add a step, and the process will be relatively simple. Some.

Although the score in the exam is of little significance, and he has long been able to choose a school at will, for students, scientific research, achievements, world conjecture, etc. are too far away, and they are definitely not as intuitive as scores.

Many people were very shocked.

Lin Xiaoqing had long given up on competing with Zhao Yi, and her scores were not bad either. She scored 668 points, ranking tenth in Zhengyang City, and stabilizing her first place in the school.

He Ronghua's total score is only 651, which can be said to be behind Lin Xiaoqing.

This shows Lin Xiaoqing's progress.

Lin Xiaoqing was also very satisfied with her scores, but she was still disappointed when she saw Zhao Yi's scores. When she got home, she said depressedly, "I ranked tenth, but do you know how many points Zhao Yi scored?"

"How many?"

"733! He still has 20 extra points." She said with a look of helplessness.

Lin Xudong seemed to be in a good mood. He put down the remote control in his hand and comforted him in a loud voice, "Qingqing, it's okay. I believe that with your intelligence and energy, you can definitely surpass him as long as you continue to work hard."

The two women in the room looked over at the same time.

Lin Xiaoqing glanced at her father, put on her slippers and walked into her room.

Zhao Hongjuan said dissatisfied, "Did you listen to what Qingqing said just now? You will just follow the nonsense, and there is nothing better than Zhao Yi..."

"What's wrong with overtaking Zhao Yi? Then the kid can't overtake him?" Lin Xudong asked with some confusion.

Zhao Hongjuan counted with her fingers, "Zhao Yi scored 733 points in the exam. There are 20 extra points for the first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad. The total score is 753. The full score in the exam is 750. Excuse me, Captain Lin, how can you exceed it?"

Lin Xudong asked with surprise, "Exceeded the total score?"

"That's right! How do you pass? Fly a plane or ride a rocket? Why don't you, the captain, just give the judge a score?"

"Ha ha."

Lin Xudong smiled awkwardly, "Then we won't overtake or overtake, just try our best to catch up."

Zhao Hongjuan nodded thoughtfully, "That makes sense."

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