Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 173 This is deliberate suppression!

Entertainment is very interesting.

The direction of public opinion is often not influenced by people's will. On the contrary, it is the hot point of its rise, which is often somewhat unexpected.

It's like CCTV's character reporting feature.

Even if famous figures from across the country were included in this kind of character reporting feature, few people would really take it seriously.

Zhao Yi is not the special one.

So when the character reporting feature ends, it seems that everything is over. The reporting ratings are not high and it has no impact.

A few days later.

A hot search became increasingly popular and even reached the third place on the hot search list. The content was, "The God of Gamblers sitting behind Zhao Yi."

The hot search content is a bit strange.

The senior students of No. 13 Middle School can all think of Wang Jian behind Zhao Yi.

In Zhao Yi's character report feature, Wang Jian only appeared in two shots, both taken when the camera "passed" the classroom door.

The camera captured the scene of Zhao Yi studying seriously. Wang Jian behind him was easily ignored, but when the camera was zoomed in and zoomed in, he discovered something very interesting. Wang Jian was holding a coin in his right hand and was still moving up. Throwing.

It doesn't matter whether Wang Jian still has the coin, the key lies in his own expression and state.

In the first shot, Wang Jian seemed to be listening to the lecture, but his eyes were closed for a few seconds. The coin was tossed to ear level and landed accurately in his hand.

In the second shot, Wang Jian simply lay down on the table and flicked the coin with his right thumb. The coin flew up and landed accurately in his hand again.

He also finished twice quickly.

Although it doesn’t sound very difficult, many netizens have experimented and found that it is not easy to succeed twice in a row. Let’s not talk about the connection between the two times. If the strength is not controlled well, the coins will deviate and fall to other places. .

not to mention……

That's class!

Some netizens analyzed, "He must be very skilled. The coins will make a sound when they fall on the ground, which will definitely disturb the class and attract the teacher's attention."

"At the same time, the action itself can easily attract the teacher's attention, but the teacher did not pay attention, indicating that he often does similar things."

"This is the real boss hidden among the people!"

"God of Gamblers!"

When netizens dug into the video of the character program, they immediately discovered many highlights besides the 'God of Gamblers'.

For example, a beautiful high school girl.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin were both on camera, and Sun Jiali and Hu Tianyan also showed their faces. Probably beauties are always attractive. The special feature also gave special shots. As a result, netizens felt that girls in No. 13 Middle School generally have better looks. .

Another example, teacher.

Niu Lianhua's appearance and temperament are very popular among the people. Netizens think that "when they were in high school, they seemed to have a similar scary female teacher", and they feel so immersed in her.


These additional unearthed contents really made No. 13 Middle School popular.

Many netizens and media reporters from nearby came to the entrance of No. 13 Middle School to take pictures. Some students were even interviewed, and more revelations emerged.

Wang Chengmin was probably the happiest, as the idea of ​​‘promoting the 13th Middle School’ was achieved.

Zhao Yi has also led No. 13 Middle School to increase its reputation, but most people's impression of Zhao Yi is still that he is just a "Zhengyang High School student". As for which high school he is from, few people care.

Now Thirteen Middle School has become popular on TV and online.

Many parents of Zhengyang Junior High School students expressed interest that they would consider enrolling their children in No. 13 Middle School, a "prestigious online quality education school".

The last one is Zhao Yi.

Driven by various weird "excavation points" in the program video, the program naturally became popular, and Zhao Yi naturally became popular as well. Some people realized that the protagonist of the original character topic was to complete "what mathematics" Guess' the genius high school student.

"Zhao Yi, a genius high school student, there were many reports some time ago that he solved the Kakutani conjecture!"

"Zhao Yi is more famous in the computer field. He has just published a book on 'Screening Method', which has been included in the National Library."

"If you think Zhao Yi is a mathematician, you are wrong. In fact, he is a computer genius. Most of the Kakutani conjectures were solved using computer methods."

"Zhao Yi in this character topic looks really inspirational, but I don't know if what he said is true or not... Is he learning computers in an Internet cafe?"

"I only go to Internet cafes to play games!"

"There is no other explanation other than this. Computers are not taught in high school. His family situation is not good, and he cannot enroll in extracurricular classes for a long time. He should be in an Internet cafe or buy books to study on his own!"


Zhao Yi was a little touched when he saw the comments about himself online.

The most embarrassing thing in life is this.

CCTV made a special feature for him, and the students who were noticed were all the soy sauce students. He suspected that he was surrounded by actors in disguise. Every time he was pointed at by the camera, each one of them was inspired to show their acting talent.


The light of righteousness has not been extinguished!

The popularity driven by the character topic lasted for several days.

There are always reporters in front of the school, and there are also boring people squatting, who come over to try their luck, whether they can meet the "Internet celebrities" of No. 13 Middle School, and come over to take a photo with enthusiasm.

Zhao Yi was harassed several times, but he didn't care much. However, a reporter asked a question that made him feel confused, "Zhao Yi, you refused to participate in the mathematics conference held by Jinning. Why?"

"The mathematics conference held by Jinning?"

Zhao Yi thought carefully and then remembered that a few days ago, there was an invitation letter in his mailbox, inviting him to attend a mathematics conference at the end of May. He picked up the contact number and asked the staff, only to find out that it was a conference organized by the Mathematics Association. Several awards will also be presented.

He refused.

First, in terms of time, the college entrance examination was approaching at the end of May, and he still had to attend classes normally. It was a bit far to go to Jinning, and it would take two or three days to go back and forth.

Secondly, awarding awards has nothing to do with him!

If it were a mathematics conference where he won an award, he would definitely attend it. Originally, he thought there would be an award of his own, but in the end he didn't even get a nomination.

Zhao Yi refused on the grounds that he still had to go to school.

He didn't take it to heart.

Now when asked by reporters, I feel a little confused, because the mathematics conference is an academic conference, and even if there are awards, few people will care. How did the reporter know?

The reporter understood it as soon as he explained it.

There was a professor named Feng from Jinning University. When talking about the mathematics conference, he said, "It's a pity that Zhao Yi was not invited." This caused heated discussion in the academic circles.

Jinning University is the organizer of this year’s mathematics conference. The organizer needs to organize the conference. Many people in the Mathematics Association believe that Zhao Yi should be invited this year because Zhao Yi cracked the Kakutani conjecture two years ago. Up to now, it is recognized as the greatest achievement in the field of domestic mathematics.

It feels a bit regretful that the Mathematics Conference cannot invite the ‘biggest achiever in mathematics in China’.

The reporter who asked the question now works for a journal. The domestic mathematics community is quite concerned about the mathematics conference, and professional media from the academic community came to interview Zhao Yi and asked him why he refused to participate.

After Zhao Yi learned about it, he felt very relaxed. He said in a joking tone, "I asked, but there is no prize for me!"

This is one of the reasons.

Zhao Yi continued, "Because of time. The event will be held at the end of May, but I have to take the college entrance examination in June."

The reporter wondered, "The college entrance examination is not important to you, right?"

"Very important."

Zhao Yi said seriously, "For me, the college entrance examination means more than just being admitted to the university. It also means that I only have one life. I will only go to high school once, and I will only take the college entrance examination once."

"The college entrance examination is a summary of my three years of study. How I scored is not for others to see, but for me to explain myself."

"The college entrance examination is a milestone. Taking the college entrance examination and working hard to perform well is a summary and affirmation of yourself. Only after the college entrance examination can you adjust your mentality and prepare for the next stage of study!"

Zhao Yi said it very seriously.

Most of the contents are true. He has been thinking about the college entrance examination since his rebirth. Coupled with the main life goals and tasks, it is impossible for him to waste the most important time before the college entrance examination in order to participate in a mathematics conference where he will not win the prize.

The college entrance examination is indeed a milestone.

After passing the college entrance examination, he can adjust his mentality and prepare to officially enter college life, not only in study, but also in life.

For example, girlfriend...


Zhao Yi’s answer made the reporter understand.

I have studied in high school for three years, all for the college entrance examination. Even if I can choose a university at will, I will definitely prepare for the college entrance examination seriously.

The Mathematics Conference is a gathering of mathematics researchers.

For Zhao Yi, who is a high school student, it is still a bit early to participate in similar conferences.

After the reporter made the report, most people in the domestic mathematics community also understood it. It was the report that made many people realize that Zhao Yi, who solved the Kakutani conjecture, was really just a high school student.

Many academics also spoke out for Zhao Yi and felt that his attitude towards the college entrance examination was commendable.

at the same time.

There are also some people in the academic circle who comment on Zhao Yi's mathematics and computer skills, and even his present and future, in a "hot spot" style.

Professor Feng of Kinning University who previously expressed regret said, "Zhao Yi did solve the Kakutani conjecture, but he used basic computer and mathematical methods. It can be seen from this that his basic knowledge is very solid, but at present He still lacks deeper and more systematic theoretical knowledge in mathematics."

This refers to college and more in-depth mathematical knowledge.

Professor Feng continued, "He solved the Kakutani conjecture, but we cannot look at him from the perspective of a mathematician. He is only a high school student."

"He is undoubtedly a genius. In the field of mathematics, many professional studies require advanced knowledge and mathematical methods. What he needs now is to systematically study the basics of mathematics."

"We can look forward to even greater achievements from him in the future..."

What Professor Feng said was a normal comment, except that Zhao Yi lacked systematic theoretical knowledge and looked forward to achieving higher achievements in the future.

Other scholars who commented were somewhat assertive.

For example, Li Yilai.

Zhao Yi didn't know Li Yilai's name at all, but Li Yilai remembered Zhao Yi deeply, and his comments were somewhat specific, "Zhao Yi is a high school student. No matter how high his achievements are, he is still a high school student. He can prove that Kakutani conjecture, but using basic methods."

"Everyone agrees that he is a genius, but I think he is a genius in the field of computers, not mathematics. Mathematics is the most basic and most difficult subject. It is very difficult to achieve success in mathematics. There are many Mathematics researchers have done a lot of work, but in the end it turned out to be completely useless.”

"At least in the next few years, or even longer, it is impossible for him to achieve any more achievements in mathematics."

Li Yilai's statement seems a bit extreme, but it represents the views of the domestic and foreign mathematics community on Zhao Yi. They believe that Zhao Yi is a computer genius, and most of the proof of Kakutani's conjecture is based on computer methods.

It is much more difficult to achieve success in mathematics than in computers, because mathematics is a basic subject and an emerging subject of computers.

Achievement in basic subjects is more difficult.

In addition, the domestic and foreign pure mathematics circles are actually biased against Zhao Yi's proof of the Kakutani conjecture, mainly because he did not use pure mathematics to prove it, but used binary diagrams, which can be said to be a tricky method. Considering Zhao Yi's age, it also makes mathematics researchers a little embarrassed.

A high school student proved Kakutani's conjecture and achieved an achievement that most people cannot achieve. Doesn't it mean that they, who have studied mathematics all their lives, are "very useless"?

When many influential people in the mathematics community spoke out, a wave of discussions started on the Internet.

Some netizens got involved.

This is actually very interesting. He is obviously a very ordinary netizen, not a scholar at all, or simply a person doing other research, but he expresses his opinion and evaluates a person who proves mathematical conjectures. You can imagine what the direction of public opinion will be. think.

Some influential media people expressed their opinions, saying, "Zhao Yi is a computer genius. He may make breakthroughs in computer research in the future, but it will be difficult for him to achieve success in mathematics."

When the number of people commenting increased, it even started to trend, "He can't possibly have any more achievements in mathematics. Using computer methods to prove that mathematics interviews are just a trick!"

"There are many young geniuses in the world who will become mediocre when they grow up."

"Perhaps his senior year was the pinnacle of his glory. We cannot deny his talent, but in the field of mathematics, he is still just a beginner."

"He has a lot to learn if he wants to achieve success in mathematics. I'm sure he will be forgotten soon..."

"There are too many geniuses in the world..."

The lively discussion on the Internet has also affected Zhao Yi's life. A reporter came to interview specifically, hoping that Zhao Yi could express his opinion.

Zhao Yi cursed his mother in his heart.

The trees are beautiful in the forest!

People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong!

When CCTV did a program at the beginning, he was originally set up as a positive example, but a lot of inexplicable scholars came forward to comment. When it spread on the Internet, it suddenly changed.

"How I am now and what my future will be like, does it have anything to do with you?"

"I don't rely on fame to get around!"

Facing reporters who were pleading for information, Zhao Yi didn't even think about saying a word. He just replied with four words, "No comment!"


Some reporters simply published an article saying, "Zhao Yi acquiesced to online comments."

Of course.

There are also many people who spoke for Zhao Yi in the report.

For example, He Mingcheng.

Previously, He Mingcheng was optimistic about Zhao Yi and hoped to accept Zhao Yi as his student. He also gave him a lot of books related to "Fuzzy Mathematics".

Later, He Mingcheng refused to admit that Zhao Yi was his student, because Zhao Yi had already made great achievements in mathematics before he went to college. He felt that accepting Zhao Yi as a student would be a bit of a "salary", so he stubbornly I decided not to talk about teachers anymore.

He Mingcheng still admires Zhao Yi very much, because Zhao Yi is a genius in computer algorithms. He hopes that Zhao Yi can learn fuzzy mathematics well and truly apply this subject.

When the reporter came over for an interview, He Mingcheng was teaching students and was asked about Zhao Yi. He said directly, "I don't know why you think Zhao Yi is just a computer genius. In my opinion, he is just a computer genius." Mathematical genius.”

"Computers are applications and mathematics is theory. Anyone who has achieved success in computers will also be successful in the field of mathematics."

"The proof process of Kakutani's conjecture is indeed largely computer-oriented, but it can also be said to be pure mathematics. Mathematics is not just a lot of numbers and formulas, but also involves base transformation and data analysis."

"As for whether achievements will be achieved in a few years, it's hard to say. Achievements are hard to say, and no one can tell what will happen in the future. Can you imagine what China is like now ten years ago? Imagine what the world is like. ?"

What He Mingcheng said in the interview represents the support of the academic community for Zhao Yi. Objectively speaking, being able to prove mathematical conjectures proves mathematical talent, or even directly refers to ‘mathematical ability’.

A professor from the Department of Mathematics at Capital University put it very bluntly, "Who dares to say that an 18-year-old student who got full marks in the Mathematical Olympiad is not a mathematical genius?"

"The person who said this is deliberately suppressing!"

"Does anyone dare to stand up and tell you, what were you doing when you were eighteen years old? How many points can you get in the Mathematical Olympiad? So do you have any talent in mathematics?"

"If you had no achievements in mathematics when you were eighteen years old and couldn't get full marks in the Mathematical Olympiad, you have no right to talk about whether Zhao Yi is a mathematics genius!"

Internet media.

Comments and discussions on Zhao Yi are everywhere, and even some forums have many posts, following the trend and expressing personal opinions.

Everyone thought that public opinion would gradually disappear over time, but no one expected that the relevant public opinion would suddenly become silent.

It was like a rooster that was crowing, and its neck was suddenly strangled hard, and the sound disappeared immediately. Whether it was a comment that was optimistic about Zhao Yi or not, it suddenly disappeared, leaving only one piece. Quiet silence.

This is all because of a paper in "New Advances in Mathematics" titled "Irregular three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram (an expansion of the prime solution of the Riemann function)".

Signature of the author of the paper--

Zhao Yi!

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